You ever have sex dreams about your friends?

I did last night. The dream started out in a college cafeteria that looked a lot like the gum and juice bar on the old power rangers show. In the dream it was the cafeteria to my college which is weird because it doesn’t have one.

I was awarded some kind of magic cake for playing an internet rpg game for five years. Well I gave it to my friend and she was eating it. The frosting looked like this intricate purple plaid. It was very pretty. Well I ate some and it didn’t do anything for me but made her super light. I could pick her up with one hand. Well one thing lead to another and we dry humping and rubbing up against each other. She started moaning and I sushed her cause I thought we might get in trouble. Then as I kissed down her neck I woke up.
Really weird. I never have sex dreams.

yes, I do

and I have sex dreams frequently

I have a best friend with whom I am so close that people have accused us of being gay, including my own sisters.

I have no attraction to this friend in the slightest, despite the fact that I can clearly see she is very pretty. I do think certain woman are very, very sexy, but I just don’t see her that way at all.

One night I had a sex dream about her. I woke up sick to my stomach.

Yes, I have, a few times. Considering that we remember very few of our dreams, I’ve probably had a whole lot of them.:smiley:

A few years ago I randomly had a dream about making out with one of my closest male friends. I had never thought of him in a romantic way during waking life at that time, so I can remember just staring at the ceiling in confusion for a while after I woke up.

A while later I went through a situation in (waking) life that showed me what kind of character he had and it made me think of him in a different way after all. I’ve been dating him for over a year now. We’re probably going to wind up getting married.

So you never know, it might be your subconscious telling you something. :wink:

I had a sex dream about a blood relation once. I wasn’t right for days afterward. Thankfully this was not a person that I lived with, or I might have had to move into a hotel for a couple of days.

Well I thought maybe there was some subconscious attraction so I tried um, continuing the dream with a happy ending, if you get my subtle euthenism for fapping to her. It was hot in the way linetrap was hot before the nude video took away the dangerous ambiguity, mystery, and stuff.

But then it was like thinking of a fourth cousin. Not exactly wrong, but definitely not right. Too familiar in the none sexy way.

Besides different worlds. I’m into rock and chill. She’s into R&B and drama.

Yes, I’ve even had disturbing dreams about sex with family members…really bizzarre stuff that wakes me up and grosses me out and makes me feel uncomfortable for as much as several hours after I wake up.

Where’s the barfing smiley?

When I was a teenager, I had a very explicit sex dream about a friend and it made me realize how much I had been attracted to her for the previous year.

Nothing ever came of it though. I never got up the nerve to ask her out directly and anytime I ever hinted at it, the word “friend” would be worked into the conversation very shortly.

A coworker, rather than a friend.

It was a surprisingly graphic dream, and I thoroughly enjoyed it (in waking life, we rarely spoke beyond ‘hello’).

A co-worker and a friend

Strangely, the dream (which got fairly naughty) ended with my dream self swearing, SWEARING I’d hit that on our next business trip.

I woke up and asked myself, “WTF?!”

She’s married and a good friend. Even if she were to beg for it, I’d turn it down on both counts. And she wouldn’t beg for it. Kek.

My subconscious regularly tries to sabotage me.

I wish I had sex dreams. Last night I dreamt I had two pet camels, and they kept eating the furniture.

Not in years. But then, I don’t have too many female friends right now.

Oddly enough, I had one last night. It was one with my friend and his girlfriend. We got absolutely wasted and then explored in our drunkeness. I woke up with a horrific hangover headache. It was bizarre.

A lot of times dreams can mix up people and places with things that are similar.

For example I think I figured my dream out. The friend of my dream kind of looks like Amy Jo Johnson in the face. The dream had the Power Rangers gym and juice bar, and honestly I would RIDE AMY JO JOHNSON TILL THE SUN WENT RED GIANT AND INCINERATED THE EARTH, without regret, if I had the opportunity. For some reason I thought people who looked like my friend weren’t as attractive because I associated her with drama and trouble, but now I realize how silly and illogical that is.

What I’m saying is your subconscious sucks at picking appropriate metaphors, and may have very innocent reasons for the fucked up dreams.

You know it could be worse. You could have a sex dream featuring the camels.

I would love a camel dream (without sex of course). Furniture eatin’ camels sounds like a lot of fun.

Well, in some Freudian sense, it probably was a sex dream.

Last week I dreamed I had sex with my father on the kitchen table. George Foreman was sitting at the table, naked but otherwise non-sexual, smiling benevolently at us.

I had one involving a panda. He was remarkably consummate.

Sometimes a camel is just a camel.

I almost never have sex dreams, and I’ve never had one that led to um…completion. Until last night. (Timely topic.) It was with a friend, but he is one that I have thought of in “that way.” The really weird part was we were merely snuggling in a non-hot-and-heavy way, and it ended up with extraordinarily premature ejaculation on his part!

It was so odd. I’m going to be all weirded out next time I see him.

I’ve had sex dreams about friends, about crushes, about significant others, about random people my brain invents, and about people I can’t stand. I no longer claim to understand my subconscious.