Hi…well, i turned 16 last august and I am only 5’7 1/2"(male) …ive only grown like an inch or two in the past year and a half…ok, first, does this mean that im not going to grow any more from this point on? also, is my height abnormally short for a male? ive been taking the vitamin supliment HeightMax for about 2 months but it hasnt been doing anything…thanks…
A bit of googling suggests that the average male height in America is about 5’9" and that boys can continue to grow into their early 20s. I don’t think vitamins are going to do much for a reasonably well-nourished person.
You are slightly shorter than average (so far) but by no means are you ‘really short’.
It is not too uncommon for guys to grow quite a bit between your age and 20 or so.
I’m not a doctor or nurse, but here is a web site that has growth charts for young people of various ages. Scroll down to where is says “Boys’ stature and weight for age”. According to the chart you’re perfectly fine.
And age 16 is still pretty young. My son is 17 and is still growing. I had a good friend in college who was still growing at the end of college.
No vitamin supplement would give you results in only two months, especially in regards to something as complex as growing. Likely, if you were going to see results at all, it would take six months to a year.
Nor would I worry, even if you never grow any taller. Many ladies like men who they can look straight in the eye. The only time being shorter ever is a problem is if you LET it be a problem. Be comfortable with who you are, and others will be, too.
This probably won’t make you feel better, but when I was 15 I was 5’7", am now 30 and still 5’7". That being said, there’s nothing wrong with 5’7" and it’s not abnormal or anything else.
No, you’re not really short. If I were describing a 5’ 7" guy to somebody, I would not use the word short, nor little. This is from the point of view of a man who is 6’ 4". I seldom think about people’s size, and I never think badly about anyone because of size.
You may not be finished growing. A Purdue football coach told my dad that his players often gain two or three inches during their college years. The press kit, though, always shows their freshman height and weight.
As for the HeightMax, I am skeptical. I just prowled through their website, and they don’t show the contents anywhere. They say it’s vitamins, minerals, and amino acids (that simply means protein.) So, you’re spending $1.96 per day for a multivitamin pill. You are probably eating enough protein already, so just take a multivite from the drugstore. Eat sensibly, get plenty of green leafy veggies and dairy products for your calcium-hungry growing bones, and stay fit.
By the way, every time I get on an airplane or sit down in a ballpark, I sincerely wish I were 5’ 7", so I wouldn’t feel so painfully squished. Those seats were built for you, not me.
I’m 5’5" – and I left 16 behind 18 years ago. I’m considered short – but it’s in the genes; I’m taller than my father by nearly a head.
Incidentally, isn’t HeightMax a scam? Or at least that its claims have yet to be conclusively proven?
I recall reading a long time ago that your diet does not affect your height, unless you are extremely malnourished (I mean like in a famine). Diet affects weight but not height. Personally I think taking a multivitamin is a good idea for any person, but the whole Height Max thing sounds bogus.
I kept growing right through college, although only a couple of inches total in those years. 16 is way too young to be sure that you’ve stopped growing.
And like the others a warning: do not take these bogus supplements. Multivitamins are fine, but a balanced healthy diet is even better.
thanks for all the help and encouragement! Im actually considering stopping the heightmax…i would just hate to cut it off if it actually works…or i guess im just another sucker…i dont know…another thing that worries me is that im a little lactose intolerant so I rarely drink milk. But i do make sure that mostly anything i eat or drink is calcium foritfied(juice,bread,etc.) should i worry about this as far as growing goes. and once again, thanks. and if theres anyone out there who has a good arguement against heightmax I would love to hear it so i can make a decision here. thanks
I’ve been 6’0" since I was about 15. My younger brother was 5" shorter than me until he went to college – when I suddenly realized we were the same height. His growth spurt happened when he was 17-19, and it was very quick.
His doctor had actually sent him in for pituitary function tests of some kind, primarily because my father and I were so much taller than he. Although they found nothing unusual with him, it might be worth a mention to your doctor.
I am a little over 6’1’’ and I grew almost two inches in college. I doubt that you are finished growing yet but you shouldn’t get your heart set on an NBA career either.
It would help to take into account where you stand compared to your peers in puberty. Some people are way late so there can be a lot of development left at 16. OTOH, if you started shaving in 5th grade, you might want to accept things or check out some of those shoe risers.
You are most likley to reach somewhere around the average height for males.
I would recommend a calcium supplement if your multivitamin doesn’t have a lot.
Eat well and stop worrying. My brother was 5’9 or so at 16 and, if he could stand up straight (he’s got scoliosis) he’d be 6’5 or 6’6. You might hit a 6 inch growth spurt this summer, or you might be 5’7 for the rest of your life. Either way, it doesn’t matter.
Just try and keep yourself from ‘angry short man syndrome’. You’ve met those guys who are a bit shorter than average and feel they have to be tough as nails and angry all the time to make up for it. Don’t be that guy. Everyone hates that guy.
Why this obsession with height? If you’re a little shorter than average, so what? Average height means that some people are going to be shorter.
I’m a 5’6" male and stopped growing long ago (except maybe horizontally). Doesn’t bother me. In fact, I’m sometimes amused at my taller friends who need to squeeze themselves into tight airplane or bus seats. I’m sure being cramped up like for a six hour ride side cannot be comfortable.
I was about 5ft 4 when I was 16 but rocketed up to, ooh, I reckon about 5 ft 5 by the time I was 30. I am still hovering around the 5ft 5 mark at the age of 46 but fully expect to shrink a bit before I die.
The worst thing? Never being able to buy effing trousers that are short enough.
Is Heightmax that outfit with the radio commercial along the lines of a father discussing with someone that he’s “worried about Timmy’s height?” All I can think of when I hear it is what a dick Timmy has for a father.
Dude, you’re wasting your money on those vitamins. Stop taking them. As long as you’re eating right, you’ll grow as much as you can.
You might easily have 2 to 4 inches of height yet to gain, which would place you at about the average.
There’s no perfect height. My 6’4" 15 year old is self consciousness about his height and wants to be 6’1" or 6’2" at most - If we could arrange a swap he’d gladly donate 2 or 3 inches.
I wanted to point to him that even very tall people like dopers Giraffe and Rico can be successful in life despite their height, but then they went and became moderators and … well we just can’t be having that.