Am I the only one who finds the NSFW thread kinda creepy?

And I don’t read them either. Eww. I’d prefer to think of Dopers as disembodied intellects. :smiley: With faces (I like the SFW picture threads.)

Can I pretty, PRETTY please have this as my new sig? I promise to feed it, and take care of it, and look after it and clean up after it! Please?
I think most people are looking out “rubbernecking” type curiosity. (hehehe…I said “rubberneck.”) Meh. I’ve seen worse things in life. Like . (Don’t worry-it’s COMPLETELY WORK SAFE NOW! Maybe more nauseating, but definitely work safe, trust me)

I thought the thread would either sink like a stone or be filled with 99% “WTF?” content. (Such is my naiveté.)

I still hold out some hope that the number of Dopers who post actual NSFW pics of themselves in the thread will be <5.

I say 7 if you can count some of those as “heres my cleavage and no you can’t see the rest of me” pics.

What happens in Vegas… :wink:

You know who liked censorship on the internet? Hitler, that’s who. :smiley:

That is what we’re talking about here, isn’t it? Censorship? (Generic) you don’t think people posting nude pictures is a good idea, so no one can do it. There’s not much I think we shouldn’t do here on the Dope, and posting naked pictures is not one of my prohibitions.

Didn’t I explicitly state that I didn’t want the thread closed or stopped?

Yes I did. Not trying to censor anything.

Using “creepy” in my thread title wasn’t the best choice. It is not really the word that best explains my thoughts on this matter. One word can’t really explain it I guess.

The only point of the NSFW thread I can really see is showing off. And while someone pointed people show off all the time, just about their income or intelligence, and that’s true, but this type of showing off is one I never expected to see here. And one I don’t really understand.

I like my body. I think I look good naked. I go to the gym and eat right to look how I want to. But I also don’t need to validate that by posting my naked body on the dope. Or anywhere. The only people I care if they like my body are: me, my boyfriend. I won’t even send him naked photos, just an occasional underwear or swimsuit cellphone shot, and that’s only because we are in an LDR and don’t get the real thing all the time. And he’s a visual guy. And I like him. I want him to see me naked. Only he and my gyno get to see my swimsuit area. I’ve never felt even a tiny glimmer of a need to show anyone else my naked form.

Silver Fire gets me in that I just think it’s out of place. Regular Doper pic threads are different - that is putting name to a face. I don’t have any need to put name to erect penis though.

It’s all yours sweetie!

The point is, I believe, that myskepticsight felt the thread was out of place here. Like seeing a T-bone steak nestled in the apple display at the supermarket; or turning the corner and seeing a dolphin directing traffic. Incongruent. The term “cognitive dissonance” was a good description. Kind of like the old Sesame Street thing of “one of these things is not like the others”.

Not in the sense of “you barbarians!! Put your dicks away at once, or heads will roll!”.

Here is what you maybe do not get:

We have had suggestive/pornographic pictures linked on this message board since at least five years before you joined. I know this because I remember posting some. Nothing that’d get an R- or X-rating for a movie, but definitely useful for other people (though ultimately, nothing can stop someone who just wants to get off).

You might as well go to a buffet with smokers and complain, some time later, that people are smoking at the buffet and you thought you’d found a buffet for only nonsmokers.

To repeat: We have had porn of various flavors (heh) on this board since long before you got here. So stop complaining about how OMG now there’s porn.

Don’t want to be associated with it? Don’t click on picture threads. It’s really very simple. You just … wait for it … click somewhere else. Hell, swear off the lot of MPSIMS for all I care.


ITT: people jealous of people who aren’t ashamed of their own bodies.

Guess what, cupcake? I’ve been here as long as you have and I don’t ever remember seeing anything so explicit or having an entire thread devoted to naked pictures of the members here. That’s what this thread is about so whatever “suggestive” links you remember from your heyday are irrelevant here.

Thank you. Someone gets it.

You’re welcome. :slight_smile:
I know, no smileys in the pit. Bite me!!

For the record, I have no problem with your OP (that’s what the Pit is for). I was just bemused by the need of others to uptriage the whole affair to make it seem that civilization was crumbling around our ears.

And Tao’s Revenge: “people jealous of people who aren’t ashamed of their own bodies. …” Can you really not think of any other reasons someone might not want to post a naked picture of themselves in a public forum? People are far too blase about what can and can’t be found out about them on the Internet.

A few months ago I had gone out on a few dates with a woman who’s a painter – she made it clear that’d she like me to pose for her at some point. Many of her painting were nudes, and all were very large and realistic to an astonishing degree. There were also all quite beautiful, and it would be an incredible honor to be in one. But I doubt I would do it, not out of shame but to preserve my privacy. God forbid I end up in some kind of custody battle for my daughter and there’s nudes of me all over the Internet.

I agree.

I didn’t have any feelings about the thread one way or the other until I saw that comment. It’s hard to explain, but it made me feel uneasy.

Did you feel the need to start a pit thread about those nude paintings? Or did you figure the models were adults who knew what they were doing and go on with your life?

If you don’t wanna post then no one is forcing you. You don’t have to open the thread. Everyone in it posted of their own freewill. Why does it’s existence bother you so?

You’re being jumped on because of comments like this. One of the greatest failings of modern Western culture is the confusion of nudity with sex, and the rendering of the nude body as taboo by perceiving it as purely sexual. You are engaging in the same simplification. As others have pointed out in the thread to this point, nudity is not, in and of itself, pornographic. You explain yourself reasonably well when you try to expand on and contextualize your original post, but then you throw in these little asides that indicate your thinking is still rooted in a biased fallacy, so people are questioning your point of view and your judgment.

Now, that said, I do agree with you that the NSFW-picture thread is an odd fit for the SDMB culture. It’s an interesting (and in many ways illuminating) little tangent for us, but I suspect it will fade quickly after a brief but brightly meteoric life. It’s a little too “out there,” I think, and it won’t last.

Which is, more than anything else, why the thread is interesting and illuminating, above and beyond the opportunity to see our fellow members’, uh, members. We hold ourselves above the typical Internet hot spot, thinking of ourselves as friendlier, more sophisticated, more intellectual, whatever; basically better. And then a thread like this comes along, and we find that the difference between us and everyone else really isn’t that significant. We aren’t more enlightened: most of us are afraid to expose ourselves, and a lot of people respond to the few who do with mockery. We aren’t more mature: there’s a lot of juvenile crap in that thread, and in this one. We aren’t more civil: mixed in among the immature snark is a fair amount of cruel sneering.

There are lessons in that thread, and in this discussion, but most people seem to be missing them entirely.

myskepticsight: We get it. We get it. We all get it. We understand what you’re saying. You’ve certainly repeated it enough times.

Speaking of repeating things…

You sure do like talking about how you like it when your boyfriend sees you naked.

You’ve said that how many times now? Let me go count… Well what do you know? You have talked about your boyfriend seeing you naked or seeing your boyfriend naked at least 5 separate times in this one thread!

And that includes discussion of how he gets to see your “swimsuit area” and your “ass n’titties,” and of sending him provocative photos.

So why don’t you leave the complaining about the NSFW thread to someone who isn’t verbally spreading her legs for us every minute?