Am I the only person in the world who still likes Pauly Shore ?

C’mon admit it. You loved son-in-law . I knew it!
Okay , Okay . I know he can be annoying but dont ya think he’s the least bit funny ? Most people think that he should be removed from the face of the earth but I love the way he talks and every thing. What do you think of him? this thread is makiing me lose maturity points isnt it ? ;j


  1. Quite possibly the single most annoying person I’ve ever spent time with and I was at a party with Emo Phillips for 4 hours, so i know of what I speak.

3)Oh my, yes. :smiley:


  1. Quite possibly the single most annoying person I’ve ever spent time with and I was at a party with Emo Phillips for 4 hours, so i know of what I speak.

3)Oh my, yes. :smiley:

But we still love you.

Glad to know I’m still considered human. NOT!!!

I love Pauly Shore. Yes, he’s grating. Yes, his movies have no plot. No, I probably wouldn’t want him to make any more movies. But when you’re in the mood for a very stupid movie, he hits the spot.

I have been wondering where that guy has been lately.

“Am I the only person in the world who still likes Pauly Shore?”


Well, at least there are two of you now to keep each other company.

What do you mean ** still ** likes Pauly Shore. This would imply that he was liked at one time shudder. Just his name alone grates on my nerves * Pauly *, grow up fer Og’s sake.

Oh, and it doesn’t look like I was too clear. The grow up was for Paul Shore (Pauly :rolleyes: ) not the OP. :smiley:

I’ve always felt that Pauly Shore was truly the product of nepotism in Hollywood. His mother, Mitzi Shore is the owner of The Comedy Store where he got his “big break.”

A few years back, I went with some friends to The Comedy Store and he got up on stage–he was most decidedly unfunny.

I will accept that even Adam Sandler and Jerry Lewis have their moments, but Shore doesn’t even have micro-moments. He is pitifully unfunny.

A good rule of thumb for humor is that when a comedic actor has to resort to baby talk for a laugh, he’s not funny. Does Shore ever not use baby talk?

He was funny in Futurama. That scene with the probulator is priceless!

Course, said scene consists of whirring and chopping sounds with him screaming while you see Fry looking on smiling, but I digress.

He should get together with the Dell Guy and do a “buuuuudddddyyy” picture.

Only if we hire John Landis, a helicopter, and multiple poorly-timed explosions.

I liked him for 5 mins on MTV’s Totally Pauly - but he jumped the shark like 15 years ago, *buuuu-ddy!{/i]

The thing about baby talk applies equally well, or badly to Sandler.

Good point!

Like those two dipshits, Bobcat Golthwaite and Gilbert Gottfried.


I thought Bobcat’s voice thing was a speech impediment rather than a put-on? Correct me if I’m wrong.

And a few years ago, when I was into watching Howard Stern on a regular basis, Gilbert actually spoke in his (I would guess) normal voice for much of the interview, much to my surprise, slipping in and out of his usual trademark grating voice for comedic things.

Back in the dark ages (1990? I think) I was pals with some of the backstage folk at the now-gone Dunes in Vegas. I often went and watched the show from the sanctity of the lighting booth.

The performers rotated on a weekly basis (two shows a night, six nights) and one week was Amateur Week - five “unknowns”, one of whom was Pauly Shore. I saw the opening show.

People got refunds. To his credit, after the show Pauly apologized on behalf the comedienne who lost it on stage and left in tears halfway through her spot. They couldn’t find her afterwards, so the second show only had the four of them.

[sub]I used to worship the talent of Harry Basil. And I found Licassi and Siegel funny. Maybe I’m the only one :D[/sub]