Amazing Race 3/14: "I Am In Russia Playing With The Dolls"

Not to step on anyone’s toes but usually there’s a TAR thread up by now so if no one else posted one and I just missed it, here’s one.

Nine teams left, and we’re off to Russia. Will Team Gonads add a third continent full of women to the list of those who won’t have sex with them on the race? What will be written on Team Double-D’s butts this week? How many minutes in to the episode before Team Frankenberry start whining about being eliminated? Remember the time change, it’s still an hour later!

Yay! It’s Amazing Race night!

You guys, this 10:00 nonsense is kicking my butt … and TAR is absolutely the only show on TV worth waiting up for!

I do not wish to be mean, but I hope Frankenberry are out, because they work my nerves something awful.

I kinda like the 10:00 time slot. Now I can watch Scrubs live (as it were), and then TAR.

And my pick for “I’m sorry to say you have bean eliminated” is Team Frankenberry. The jet lag is gonna do them in something awful. :slight_smile:

I would like the 10:00 time better if I weren’t such a lame-ass. But, alas, I am. So, you know.

Five of the most beautiful words in the English language: “Previously on ‘The Amazing Race’ …”

If it doesn’t turn out that Dani and Danielle’s associating with Team Gonad at the pit stop is part of some strategy to use the boys and dispose of them like Kleenex then I will retroactively lose all respect for them back to today.

You will not be alone, I don’t think.

Oh, and because it needs to be said? “In Soviet Russia, Race amazes you.


Zee googles, zhey do nozhink!

OK seriously, Yolanda and Mama Salsa? You’re at a big swimming pool. The clue is “who’s ready to take the plunge” and you are terrified of the water. Did it not occur to you that maybe, just maybe, sending you to a pool and talking about plunging might involve swimming and you just might be the wrong person to take the Road Block?

On another note, the blonde Gonad has pierced nipples, which is hot, but now I find myself wondering about how he gets through airport security.

Was I the only one flashing on the Python “Cheese Shop” sketch at the doll detour? All I could hear in my head was “Shut that BLOODY bazouki up!” Seriously…the music would have derailed the sanity train for me within 5 minutes.

I thought he was kinda hot without the baggies. And it looked like he was packin’ some un-huh-un-huh, if y’know what I mean…

Are you there God? It’s me, rockle. Listen: I. Lurve. You. I know it’s early and all – only three episodes in – but this might be the best season of the Race ever! Moscow! Nesting dolls! Tasks I would actually enjoy doing! Plus, Phil looks so adorable in his coat with the pretty fur collar. Seriously, God, as they’d say in St. Basil’s Cathedral: Вы трясете! Also: Вы! Way to go, God!

Didn’t expect a to be continued so early in the race.

Don’t the parters have to alternate missions? That’s the only reason I can think of for Yolanda and Mamacita’s decision. Or maybe they were attempting to save the stronger partner for a more physical mission. Speaking of Yolanda, someone last week mentioned what an amazing body she had. After seeing her in that swimsuit I have to agree. Wow.

You’re dead to me.

Now Lake, OTOH, was looking mighty fine. If his personality could only be removed, he’d be acceptable.

The rule is (or was, they haven’t said thus far) that no team member could do more than six Road Blocks. There was no rule that they were required to alternate. One would think that a major rule change like that would be announced.

Lemme look at the TWoP recaps to see who Roadblocked the first time:

So Lake did two in a row, which I guess means no alternating rule.

Ha! I caught it when they read the clue that said “Look for Phil…” Smug mode ENGAGED.

My niece is visiting and hasn’t been watching thus far this season, so we were having to catch her up, thus far too much talking over the show. I’m going to have to rewatch it tomorrow to see what all I missed tonight. I was kicking myself for not noticing there was no greeter beside Phil – but in my defense, I wasn’t interested in looking anywhere but at Phil at that point. Phil is phine, especially in his handsome parka!

That nesting doll detour? With the music and dancing? One of my top five favorite race challenges ever.

It was great seeing the language barrier do so many teams in! Although I was sorry there was only one good connection from Sao Paolo to Moscow, with lots of seats on the flight; the Old Folks should be grateful, between that and the hours of operation at the zip line, they caught up a more than four-hour deficit. It’ll be interesting to see if they can keep it up now.

Lake is officially an ass. “Turn right here, Lake.” “No, we have to turn left!” [Turns left, promptly gets lost.] “Hay-ull, we couldn’t even get out of the Pit Stop without getting lost.” Uh, no, Lake, that was your decision to ignore your wife and turn the wrong way. Ass.

Lots of annoying bunching in this episode. “Let’s have them all wait for a few hours to do a completely pointless zipline so they call all bus in three bunches to the airport and all take the same plane to Russia.” Brilliant! Why not just tell them to go straight from the Pit stop to the airport? I guess they had some time to fill.