Amazing Race Contestants!

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Less dating couples this time, only 2 since the 3rd can be defined by their celebrity status. 3 married couples (inc the gay couple from CA) is more than usual, right?
And if you had trouble telling the ‘blondes’ apart before, this time they are twins! I think the father-son team could have a better shot than the father-daughter teams of past shows.

Premiering Sept 25th, can’t wait!

Yay! I am very excited for a new season.

Who are the celebrities?

Bugger, not chosen again. But to be passed over for a cocktail waitress…

Well ‘reality’ celebrities. 2 Survivor winners, Jenna and Ethan, who I gather are dating now.
Sorry about that Robot Arm. But not just any cocktail waitresses, VEGAS cocktail waitresses. :smiley: