Amazonj Search Term Needed. Cookware

I’m looking for small glass or ceramic dished you could heat a can of food in.

Glass or ceramic lids needed.

What search terms should I use on Amazon or ebay?

Amazon’s search is pretty good now, it’s intuitive like Google. I just searched “small ceramic bowl with lid” and “small Pyrex bowl with lid” and came up with a lot of good results.

“Corning Ware with lid” is good too.

But nothing with glass lids, so I can heat things up in em.
Only plastic lids.

Is this for microwave or stovetop (or both)?
The only glass lids I can think of are on things like casseroles and Corningware style glass for ranges.

I always call them ramekins, but I don’t know that I’ve ever seen any with covers. I always use them uncovered, maybe I’ll put foil on top but mostly not.

Wait a minute, found some.

I just put a plate on top of the bowl.

Maybe I should stick to the local rummage sales.
They’re cheaper.

I have those very Corning Ware containers with plastic lids and use them in the microwave all the time.

You might consider checking out local thrift stores like Goodwill to find the classic Corning bowls with handles and glass lids. I’ve got those but I inherited them from my grandma.

How about an “individual covered casserole”?

CorningWare sells something they call “meal mugs” which at 20 ounces of capacity should hold about a can’s worth of food, depending on the size of the can of course. The lid is plastic that’s safe for use in a microwave but not for a conventional oven. They’re selling them on their website now for $5 or $10 each depending on the style.

It looks like the smallest container CorningWare sells that has a glass lid safe for a conventional oven (as well as a microwave) is 1.5 quarts.

I have one of those at home and a second one at work. As you said, it’s sized just right to reheat a can of soup. And the handle makes it easy to remove from the oven. (The plastic lid does seem to stain if the soup is tomato-based, so I often use a plate instead to cover it.)