How many times can they show this movie per week? It’s on multiple times per night several nights a week and on the weekends. This seems to have been going on for months. Several networks do this kind of thing but amc seems to be the worst offender by far.
I tuned in one night recently to see if anything had changed (maybe they’d found a new alternative ending where Andy Dufresne gets stuck in the sewer pipe), and AMC is now adding gratuitous text messages to explain key stuff like how the car a character is driving isn’t really authentic to the period. Maybe next, they can convene a panel of ex-cons to comment on the film during commercial breaks.
That reminds me of PopUP Video, which has notes from serious to frivolous inserted into music videos. No reason why that can’t be done with movies, and I’ve seen some really old horror shows done as you propose.
It’s only repeated airings of gems like The Shawshank Redemption that allow one to crawl through the river of shit that is modern TV programing and still come out clean on the other side.