‘American Horror Story: Delicate’ - Anyone watching? (No open spoilers)

So it looks like the first ep of this season has dropped, but I have not seen it yet, nor do I know much about its theme this time. I googled, and apparently it’s about (not really a spoiler, but I’ll blur it just in case): an actress who has trouble conceiving with IVF. Since this is AHS, I’m guessing this will have ‘Rosemary’s Baby’ vibes rather than ‘Lifetime Movie’ vibes. Trivia note: this is the first AHS based on a novel (Delicate Condition).

Past AHS seasons have been hit and miss for Mrs. Solost and me. Some have been campy fun, like ‘Freakshow’ or ‘1984’; some, like ‘Hotel’ or ‘Roanoke’, we just lost interest and totally bailed on mid-season.

The stunt casting with Kim Kardashian is inauspicious. I know stunt casting is kind of this show’s thing: Lady Gaga as a vampire; Stevie Nicks as an actual witch. But, c’mon.

So, anybody catch ep1? Any good? How’s K-Kard’s acting?

What I wrote in the “series you have yadda” thread:

The newest season of American Horror Story has started. I can’t tell for sure if it is going to be a good season or a bad season yet based one episode, but all signs so far are pointing to “terrible”.

As I feared. We’ll probably still give it a try. Thanks.

Episode two continued to be terrible. I didn’t even finish it, and have bailed on the season.

Yeah, as I mentioned in my OP, AHS seasons are very hit or miss for us, and this one is starting to look like a miss. We’re not quite ready to bail yet, but that’s probably because we haven’t really found other new good shows to watch as of now.

Oh, interesting that you all don’t like it. I agree that AHS seasons are hit or miss, but so far I’m invested in the storyline and very much enjoying this season. Darren_Garrison, I’m interested to hear which seasons you’ve enjoyed, and which ones you’ve bailed on. Here’s my list:

Murder House
Red Tide (part 1 of the Double Feature)

Death Valley (part 2 of the Double Feature)

I haven’t watched the other seasons, which is why they’re not on either list.

Not that you asked me, the OP of the gosh darn thread (pouty face), but I’ll share my hits and misses anyway (‘hits’ are the seasons Mrs. Solost and I finished, roughly in order of preference; ‘misses’ we just bailed on):

Freak Show
Murder House
Double Feature


Jury Still Out:

Hmm, thought there were more ‘misses’ than that.

I watched all episodes of all of the previous seasons (the bulk of them being binge watches starting maybe three years ago). The only one that stands out in my mind as being the worst is the two-parter (both parts). My favorite was probably the witch one (the first witch one, though the second one with the apocalypse wasn’t bad).

Haha I actually did in my original comment! But then I saw that you had put some of that content in your OP and thought my question made it look like I hadn’t been listening.

I find it interesting how different everyone’s opinions were. My choices about which seasons I watched were influenced by the recommendations of my then-husband (during the earlier seasons) and my now-boyfriend (during the later seasons). IIRC, my husband recommended Coven over both Asylum and Freak Show. Then when I got with my boyfriend, he insisted that the best seasons for me to watch were Hotel and Roanoke.

solost and Darren-Garrison, are you men? Just wondering because I suspect that how much we like each season has something to do with how much we can relate to the storyline. Delicate is pretty solidly focused on one (childless) woman in her mid-thirties, and since I’m a childless woman in my mid-thirties, I can relate pretty well. NYC was largely focused on the gay scene in NYC, and since I’m not a gay man (nor am I close to any gay men) and don’t like New York, I didn’t relate as much.

Maybe there’s something to this, but for me it’s more about the quality of the storyline. Every AHS seems to be overstuffed with tangents and subplots, and sometimes it just goes off the rails for me. For example, Asylum, though I have it listed as a ‘hit’, probably because the series was still new, had devil worship and aliens. Really? Pick a horror theme and stick to it, already.

I was psyched for Apocalypse because I like a good apocalypse drama, but it morphed into something else entirely, and I think morphed again, until I wasn’t even sure what I was watching.

On the other hand, the ones with one main, good story through-line I enjoyed the most. Like Freak Show or the original Murder House. 1984 was a carefully crafted nostalgia watch for my demographic, who grew up on 80s horror films.

For the record, I am a man.

Yes. (Well, one of them, not plural.)

My problem with Delicate isn’t the character, my problem is with the story: “Is she hallucinating? Is she being gaslit? Is she cursed by a witch? Is she hallucinating because she is gaslit by a witch?” All of those confused moments and time jumps at a glacial pacing was already getting tedious for me in the first episode. The second episode was more of the same, and I have no interest in watching the same trick playing out over and over for more episodes.

See, I didn’t really like that one until the call-back twist.

Oh, I forgot that I also bailed on 1984.

This pretty much describes my problem with it so far. It does not feel like it’s going anywhere yet, and I don’t give a crap about any of the characters.

Nah, it was totally bait and switch for me. I was geared up for something epically apocalyptic, The Road meets The Stand.

Instead…witches again? :roll_eyes:

Did anyone stick with this, and was it worth it?

It looks like the second half of the season will be a different story, right?

No, it cut off mid-story.

Glad to hear that. I was half-watching it with Mrs. Solost while playing games on my iPad; so when I read Darren_Garrison’s post I thought “did it end, and I didn’t notice?” That’s the level of interest I have in this season, that I thought it possible the story came to an end without my noticing.