American Horror Story --- WTF???

So…is Tate the “physically perfect” child Constance said she’d had out of the four? I can’t imagine why Constance and the maid would care if the doctor would continue to see him otherwise.

This has been confirmed by the “behind the scenes” videos.
Also according to the site, the “Horror” in the title, has more to do with realistic horrors, than with the supernatural.

I’m still liking it.

I watched the first two episodes. The husband and wife are god-awful but I’ll keep watching for the daughter, Jessica Lange and the maid (Ruth!). I think if I wasn’t so much in the Halloween mood lately, it wouldn’t have hooked me but so far, I’m interested.

I looked as far as Wikipedia which doesn’t mention whether or not this is a 4-episode series. So my assumption remains that it is intended as a full season series, whatever that is on FX.

There wasn’t nearly enough hot maid and/or implied masturbation in this week’s episode. I expect that to be rectified next week, or I might have to draft a strongly worded letter.

I watched the premiere and decided I could hang with the insanity if it were a movie or a miniseries, but for a full length series it’s too disjointed and busy.


Also, kudos to **Don Draper **for a most fitting thread title. WTF indeed.

(Did I mention how much I love Jessica Lange in this? Campiest vamp ever. I want to be Constance for Halloween.)

I’m loving it so far, in the most lurid sense.

The Shining meets Twin Peaks at a party that Alfred Hitchcock threw for Anthony Perkins.

Attended by John Waters and Marilyn Manson.

I love this show, but does anyone think Stephen King would have done a better job with the script?

Just watched the first two shows, loving it, can’t wait for the next one.

God no. I love reading SK stories but he’s shit at scripts.

I’m glad they quickly got to “this is a murder house, we can’t live here”. Of course they’ll have to stay for some reason, but it’s good that the characters are immediately deciding they should leave. There’s still some stupid, but far less than I usually expect from the genre. I thought it was funny that the second me and my friend said “they need better locks” the security alarm went off.

I think it’s a real series. My TiVo has at least 8 upcoming episodes listed. It’s cable though so a shorter season of about 13 episodes makes sense.

I love the daughter. And how her pycho enemy is now her friend.

I’m liking the “horror cliche mashup” too. The “strangers” homage. Tate reminds me of Chumscrubber. The creepy ghost twins. The “Others” ghost maid. They all are brought in, but have a little twist on them.

My friend who I watch with agrees the dog is going to get it any minute.

I do find myself wondering about silly details though, like how he doesn’t know whose Tate’s parents are, or how ghost maid is cashing her checks.

I’m intrigued, and amused. I think some of the elements, like the house invasion gone wrong, are supposed to be fun rather than actually scary.

Like when psycho was forcing the daughter to dress up as a nurse into the bathtub, and daughter says, “are these nurses stockings vintage?” and psycho girl says “no, they’re from _____nurses clothing store”. (words to that effect)

Why was Constance trying so hard to poison Violet? She had reason to poison the mom and the dog, but not Violet. And seeing how sick it made the girl who actually ate it, it was pretty potent stuff.

As for all the people who think the dog will die soon… well, duh. If you bite a supernaturally unaging person with a developmental disability who ominously proclaims “he shouldn’t have done that” then yes, you should probably eat all your kibble because you’re going to be chasing cars in the sky. If they bury him in the basement, will he become a ghost dog?

When Vivian grabbed Addy’s face and insisted she stay out of the house, Constance had a strong reaction, and threatened to break Viv’s arm if she ever laid a hand on her kid again. Tit for tat maybe?

All I want for Xmas is a minute or two alone with Alexandra Breckenridge.

The show is much more Lynch than King-- I’m ready for BOB to show up.

I definitely got a stranger vibe as well. Also I could swear the daughter was reading Camus The Stranger - it looked like this copy:

I was wondering also why she wanted Violet to ingest the cupcakes and not her parents . Maybe an order in which they all have to die? I think she put Syrup of Ipecac in the cupcakes which is medication to induce vomiting.

Yeah, weird neighbor lady gives you cupcakes and insists your daughter be the one to eat them? Yeah, those should’ve gone in the trash the second the door closed behind her creepy ass.

Not really giving a shit about the pregnant coed subplot. But apparently it was more than just a way to get dad out of the house for the invasion plot. bleh.