American Idol 2/15....

I’m liking the judges panel a lot this year - well, minus the waste of breath that is Randy “Dawg” Jackson. J-Lo does a great job, I have to say. She’s focused and doesn’t go in for all the BS that’s usually a part of the whole thing. Steven does but knows when to pull it together.

Tivo is the ONLY way I’ll watch this so I can fast-forward through the drama when it get a bit much. That Durbin screechyass needs to get off my tv as does the Elton dude. Jackasses don’t win this thing, you know, and your assholishness will come back in your face. Wait and see.

Miss Letterman maybe?

I’m glad the judges called them out on that shit. One problems was with the (lack of) rules. After 10pm, no one sould be allowed to leave or kick someone out of the group.

It took me all of 30 seconds of watching the women trying to do choreography with him to say to Mrs. Cad, “The need to do the Robert Palmer thing.”


(Actually I don’t know who you’re talking about, it just seemed like an easy joke)

You’ve never seen the “Addicted to Love” video? How old are you?

I’m well acquainted with Robert Palmer. I’m not sure who was being referred to as the “whiny little bitch who looks like Giovanni Ribisi.”

I was infuriated with the guy who almost slept through his group’s turn. Fortunately he got kicked off.

I think they took into account that Jacee had 3 hours to learn the song through no fault of his own.

The oversight by the producers was really poor making things unfair. People changing groups at the last minute (Jordan is a douche) in addition to Jacee being tossed out and the Minors having parents help them with their routine.

How many here think that Train Wreck is bipolar and off her meds? At her audition I knew she would break down very quickly in Hollywood.

<raises hand> Me, me! My guess is that Train Wreck is either bipolar or an addict or both.

Yeah, that was my armchair diagnosis during her audition. She was so manically exuberant then that I knew when she hit a low it would be really low. I thought her group was pretty supportive.

That’s an excellent idea, but would probably reduce the drama too much. :slight_smile:

The very last guy who had broken up with his girlfriend. Didn’t he look like Giovanni Ribisi to you? He looked exactly like him (plus 30 pounds) to me.

Bipolar would certainly also explain it.

Not too familiar with G.R. other then some Google Images. I was kind hoping the judges would say something along the lines of "We really liked the two of you, you’re both great singers, we know this, but it’s clearly not going to work if we put you both through. I think if you both go through, both of your performances are going to suffer. This was a hard decision, but, you clearly bombed this on purpose. Sorry man, it’s the end of the line. [Ex-GF] congrats, you’re through to the next round

The swings seem to fast for bipolar (Don’t bipolar swings happen on the order of months not hours?) I’d say either her nerves were truly getting the better of her at that moment and she was just getting overwhelmed by the pressure, cameras, lights, producers etc… or if we have to diagnose her, maybe something more along the lines of Borderline Personality Disorder.

Alright people, Seth is your guy to beat tonight. Seriously, that was great.

Okay, the first girl to sing tonight–did she sing in English? I couldn’t understand a word she said.

Afro girl was awesome. Have we seen her yet? Asian girl needs to find a melody and stick to it. She tries too hard.

Hello, Casey! Wow.

That was a nice arrangement.

I am not buying that Robbie Rosen is 16. Damn, that kid is GOOD.

I would pay money to see Casey live.

I think this is the end of the road for the emotional timebomb.

Oh, Ashley. That was worse than any of us dreamed. I felt sorry for her, but at least she’ll be out of her misery now.