Well, no one else has started this thread yet, so I will.
Soon will be the last show. I wish I knew the format, but I will bet that all of the final 12 will be back to sing. I am also wondering what the songs are that were written to be the singles released by the winner. I hope that they are a little less cheesy than Kelly’s last year.
My prediction: Clay wins. With 50.4% of the vote to Ruben’s 49.6%.
Does anyone know if there will be a theme? Or what the format is? Predictions?
Monday, May 19: 8pm/7c - Special Edition: The Final Two
Tuesday, May 20: 8pm/7c - Part 1 of the Season Finale
Wednesday, May 21: 8pm/7c - 2 Hour Season finale.
My guess is that more of Kim’s votes will go to Ruben than to Clay, since their styles are much more similar. Ruben may have been ahead anyway, but at worst he’s within 2% of Clay’s total, so he wins if he doesn’t mess up.
All 3 are going to have nice careers, though, so it isn’t that important - but anyway, Go Ruben!
I’ll predict Clay by a nose - 52.1% to Ruben’s 46.4%, with the balance going to write-in votes for Keith.
Other predictions:
Paula will be drunk again.
“American Juniors” will flop horribly.
For all his best efforts to get the Broadway out of his voice, Clay will end up on Broadway.
Ruben will get an album, which will do OK. His second album will flop. He’ll go back to school and become a teacher, and will go by “Chris Studdard” again (his real name.)
Carmen Rasmusen will be married and pregnant within three years, four tops.
Julia DeMato will still be a hairdresser in five years. Vanessa Olivarez, however, won’t.
“American Idol III” won’t do nearly as well.
“Canadian Idol” (yes, really) will be an ungodly disaster.
Don’t laugh too loud about Keith and “Like a Virgin”. Remember Edgar Nova, the guy who had to be escorted out by security in Miami after shrieking through “You Can’t Escape My Love”, and still thought he’d be going to Hollywood?
He actually lives up here. Local news says Fox is flying him out to LA next week. If he’s going, so is Keith. Hey, they have to fill air time somehow, right?
As to the format/theme for the final, I’m betting they will do the same as last year. Each of them will sing the two songs that are proposed as the single to release for the winner. I am just trying to imagine what songs they come up with that either Ruben or Clay would sing as a single.
What a wonderful post! I totally agree. These guys are great entertainers. Clay is a unique talent with a powerful voice. Ruben is kinda boring, but charismatic nonetheless. I think there’s a place for both of them. And I’m sure both will do well.
Less than two hours to the first of three finale nights.
I cannot wait to see the big songs that everyone has been practicing for tonight. It should be a great show tonight, and then a great sing-off over the next couple of days.
Great contest this year, and either one of Ruben ofr Clay would probably have beaten Kelly out from last year. (I feel bad for saying that. I have had a crush on her since Day 1 of the first show).
Is it just me or does it seem like Simon’s boobies are getting bigger. He used to be kind of buff, now he’s getting soft. Pretty soon they’ll be bigger than Paula’s. Then they’ll be bigger than Randy’s!
I noticed and I didn’t miss him one bit. I like Vanessa and was delighted to see her. I wonder if she’ll be on the tour after all. We have tickets for August 2nd in Providence.
I noticed that Corey wasn’t there also. No surprise there.
I was just going to post a link to that same article, ISiddiqui. The part I found most interesting was where they admit propping up Ruben at Kim’s expense…
So finally we get the admission of what many of us have been saying all along – that he’s purposefully been praising Ruben and criticizing the other contestants in spite of the fact that he clearly sees/hears that others are singing better than Ruben is! I’ll be tying up the phone lines for all 3 hours (they’ve extended it) tonight for Clay and I’ll be pretty ticked off if the sub-par Ruben wins merely because the judges have been pimping him so hard.