Late again! I was supposed to vote for Ruben a metric ton, but I only got through a few times. So, I ended up splitting votes between Kimberly and Josh(I liked the second performance, so kiss my ass! :b). Kimberly ended up getting most of my votes, but only because her line was the least busy in my area.
Josh 1: It wasn’t too bad, but a bad song choice. Better than last week, but in this case, he proved that he didn’t belong in the top 4. Yea, I’m with Simon.
Clay 1: Needs to get on stage blindfolded as I hated how his eyes squinted. A solid perfomance, but I’ve seen better from him coughsolitarecough. I don’t quite agree with the judges. It wasn’t THAT great! Sheesh!
Kimberly 1: Someone needed to KILL that backup singer as it drowned out part of her voice! I’d hate to say this, but it was fairly weak compared to previous performances. Not bad, but no roof was blown off. Yup, I’m with Simon. HEE! She’s classy like Trenyce!
Ruben 1: The best so far!!! WHEEEE!! No complacency here! YES! Sure, AI wouldn’t be the same without Ruben, but it’s not the same without Trenyce. 
Josh 2: Oh wow! Excellent! I think this performance was his best ever! Great job! Can the hand gestures and it would have been a perfect performance. In fact, I daresay that it was better than Clay’s!
Clay 2: Great change of pace! I liked! Well done! Simon! You can’t be serious! SHUT UP! Uh-oh! Clay’s comment on Simon might backfire. I will admit that if he sang “I started a joke” instead of “Grease”, he would have blown the roof, walls and floor of the building.
Kimberly 2: As beautiful and sultry as she is! Not to mention strong. Nice job on the high note too. I do, however, agre e with Simon.
Ruben 2: Flawless. Best of the night.
Order of like:
- Ruben
- Josh(SHUT UP!)
- Clay
- Kimberly L.
Actual bottom 2: Josh/Kimberly
Eliminated: I’m afraid it will be Kimberly, unless she managed to nose past Josh. It could easily go eithe way though(especially since I have about 40 min left to vote…mwhaahahah).