AMERICAN IDOL 4/6 - Elton John Night

Anybody want to make any guesses about which Idol contestant will do which Elton John song Tuesday?
I’d guess Penboy will do “Crocodile Rock.” One of the girls, maybe Jasmine, will do “Candle in the Wind.” George should do “Circle of Life.”
“Benny & the Jets” anyone???

John Stevens would do well to choose “Your Song”.

I thought it was going to be Big Band night? Did the folks at TWOP get it wrong (I assume that’s where the rumour came from!).

Someone had BETTER sing “Circle of Life” just cuz!

LaToya could absolutely tear up the place with I’m Still Standing. John Peter could probably do a decent Pinball Wizard (which, I know, is technically not an Elton John song, but he is as much associated with it as The Who).

Personally I’d like to hear John Stevens tackle The Bitch is Back.

I’m thinking either that one or Tiny Dancer.

I really hope that one of the more talented contestants sings Goodbye Yellow Brick Road or Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me, but usually the least talented singers pick the songs that I like and ruin them.

If anyone sings Nikita I may have to shoot my television set.

That would be a treat! I’d love to see him try to dance to it.

But, I think Jennifer Hudson would be more appropriate to sing that song. “My fans”, indeed. :rolleyes:

JPL won’t be singing Tiny Dancer; he already sang it in one of the wild card shows, so I’d highly doubt it if he sang it again.

I thought we were getting Big Band night? Ugh, I’m already all Eltoned out.

I like Jennifer Hudson okay, but that remark was a little…lofty of her, wasn’t it.

They’ll never sing the b-word on American Idol… they edited “mattress dancing” to “crazy dancing” when pink-haired girl sang “Sin Wagon.”

As a big-time Elton John and Bernie Taupin fan, here’s what I’d like to see:

Camile: Someone Saved My Life Tonight

Diana: Come Down In Time

George: Empty Garden

Fantasia: Border Song

Jasmine: Something About The Way You Look Tonight

Jennifer: Sacrifice

John: Blue Eyes

Jon Peter: Honkey Cat

La Toya: I Guess That’s Why They Call It The Blues

By the way, if they line up the weeks in order of difficulty, I’m surprised Elton is coming this soon. His music is quite difficult, especially the melodies. He has more range than most of the idols, and he uses it a lot.

Funny you should mention that. When I heard this was Elton John week, I went through as many Elton John songs as I could remember trying to figure out which one I’d do. The first thing I realized was that these songs are a lot harder to sing than you might realize.

The easiest? Probably “Crocodile Rock,” which is up tempo, fun, and doesn’t require a lot of range except in the “laaaaaaaa, la la la la laaaa” runs, and you can switch to a full-on falsetto to get through those. I fully expect Penboy or Camille Velsaco to attempt “Crocodile Rock.” I know it’s the only one I could possibly get through. Well, maybe “Nikita,” but I think it’s a violation of the Geneva Conventions to sing “Nikita” in public.

But man, some of these other songs - if someone attempts “Bennie and the Jets,” it’s going to be a bloodbath. I think a lot of people are going to really suck bad this week.

I was thinking the same thing about how hard Elton John’s music is to sing. I’m expecting it to be a dreadful night of performances as a result. Hopefully I’ll be surprised. I’d just rather someone not attempt “Don’t Let The Sun Go Down On Me,” since Clay knocked that one out of the ballpark last season, inspiring Sour Simon to say, “Wow. Wow. I was really impressed… that was a fantastic performance – really, really fantastic… It was great – really, really great.” It will certainly be a tough act to follow. And I think I’d rather hear George sing “I’m Still Standing,” than one of the ballads.

I agree that that’s a good suggestion for George. I was just hoping to see him do something where a smile would be inappropriate. I want to see if he has the range of emotion to convey grief. For Camile, I went the opposite way. I honestly don’t think she can help but make those faces, and I picked a song where the agony in her face might match the intensity of Bernie’s lyric. For Jon Peter, I picked one of the safe non-falsetto pieces. I think his falsetto would be weak. Anyway, I’m rambling now… :slight_smile:

I just saw Randy Jackson on Extra or ET (one of those shows) and he confirmed that it is indeed Elton John night.

I agree with the comment that no one should try to top Clay’s version of “Don’t Let the Sun Go Down on Me”. George might do well with “Your Song” or maybe John S. could attempt that. I just hope the show doesn’t suck too much.

Yes, but I remember Kimberly Locke singing Band of Gold more than once (she sang it during auditions and also during the competition). Since it seems to be allowed, I wouldn’t be surprised if JPL used this opportunity to sing a song he’s already practiced.

Although, it really doesn’t matter what he sings if he’s dancing while he sings it. Please don’t let him dance…

Oh, and didn’t Kimbery Locke also wear out Somewhere Over the Rainbow? I know she sang that one more than once.

Yeah. Her fans. . . BOTH of 'em! :smiley:

I have noticed several of them saying “my fans” and it bugs me every time. I wonder if Fox encourages it, thinking it will sound good. Also, I hate, hate, hate when Ryan says “your American Idols.” They aren’t mine, damn it. And I am not even going to mention how obnoxious “Seacrest out” is.