An Amusing Website for Ladle Rat Rotten Hut

Check it out. Be sure to listen.



Why does that creep me out so much?
How irrational is that?

Why does what Creep you out so much? The story or the words? Or something else?

I was hoping folks could get in the mood of this way of expression and do some posts in the same vein. I took Inigo Montoya’s “Excrement” as a way of saying “Excellent” and replied with “Suddenly” for “Certainly.” That may have been a misinterpretation on my part, but I chalk that up to expectations.

The sound of the wrong words telling that story. There’s something about the very sound of it that…just…

Sorry. Didn’t get that this was a game. Nevermind! Nothing to see here!


I’m kind of creeped out by the concept of “groin-murder”.

A knee weigh … fairy end tourist in.

How cool. My groin-murder used to red tot to may all day thyme.

Power wool! East gust locking fort a girded male!

Jest ghosty show, fuchia awl wheeze lesson tudor thins yore mud oar tails ewe.