"An error occurred: When creating multiple polls, include unique names by adding name=example to your [poll] tags." HUH?!

Am trying to do 4 movie polls in one post, copying and pasting the first template for the next 3, just changing the names of the movies in question each time, but got this error. I have ZERO idea what the issue is or what it wants me to do/add. ???

I believe this is what you need to do-- after you create your first poll, you’ll see info like this in square brackets:

poll type=regular results=always public=false chartType=bar

Add this to the string to give each poll a unique name:


Nope, didn’t work, still got the same message.

Oh well, doing them post by post then, whatever.

It needs to look like this :-

Select an option.
[poll name=poll1 type=regular results=always public=false chartType=bar]
* Option 1
* Option 2
Select an option.
[poll name=poll2 type=regular results=always public=false chartType=bar]
* Option 1
* Option 2

Which will give you this :-
Select an option.

  • Option 1
  • Option 2
0 voters

Select an option.

  • Option 1
  • Option 2
0 voters

Oh. I put it at the end. Thanks anyway.