An interesting revelation about our old friend Rev. Phelps...

I saw this this morning over at College Humor and thought that I’d share.




Obviously Photoshopped, but still very much of the awesome. :slight_smile:


Either somebody’s got mad skillz when it comes to Photoshop or my glasses need to be cleaned!

Upon closer inspection, the slight pixelation around the lettering on the guys’ shirts doesn’t look fake after all. But I can’t tell for sure.

Either way, it’s horribly amusing :wink:

Hmmm. I’m not sure if the revelation is about Phelps, or God Himself.

I looks legit to me: the two guys probably approached Phelps with the jackets pulled shut, asked to have their picture taken, then opened the jackets while it was being shot.

I’d like to see the next picture where they turn their backs, peel off the t-shirts and give them to him as they stroll away laughing.

Or run, being chased by a loon swinging picket signs at them.

Take a look at the ivy/grass in the region between the individuals…at leg level. It sure looks faked to me. Too bad…

Revtim’s Law: Any picture linked to on the internet will be described by some as being “obviously photoshopped” or “the worst photoshopping I’ve ever seen.” Especially the purely genuine ones.

The question is, why would it need to be faked? As RealityChuck says, it would be very easy to get a genuine shot in the manner he suggests.

I recall an episode of Michael Moore’s TV show in which he had a team of gay cheerleaders prance around Phelps and company. IIRC, Phelps fled. I wonder why this isn’t done more often.

The ‘G’ on ‘GAY’ doesn’t look right. It passes through a sunlight highlited wrinkle without change of tone or direction, except for some anomolously light pixels between the letter’s hat and stem.