An ongoing list of The Straight Dope's most epic assholes.

OMG! I’ve never been on a list before. I feel so… special! Is there a bus for us all?

The short one. Sorry, no seat belts (still!).

In this case, I suspect the bus in question is a very, very long one.

“We’re going to need a bigger bus” is the proper phrase.

There’s always more Bozos than bus.

Are you certain there are only Bozos on this bus or is this just a thought of yours?

CMC fnord!

Hmmm, I have a “baddie” list I’ve jotted down over the years somewhere…here.

Torture supporters

Sage Rat

Chief Pedant
Hector_St_Clare **


A pox on your list. Why am I not on it? Been here 6 years. What do I have to do!

Supporting the torture of gay black people might be a good pace to start.

Disabled, female, gay, black people will set a faster pace.

You’re either on the bus or off the bus.

Clearly Shakes, for the stupidity of starting this thread, should be on the list.

Equally clearly I, for reading and replying to it, make the list.

All you assholes who ever disagreed with me? On the list.

And you guys that ever agreed with me? Well, since I’m on the list, guess where that puts you?

That’s right, asshole.

Let’s make this easy…
There are exactly 2 people not on the list, me & Spice Weasel and I’m not so sure about her.
The rest of you assholes know where you belong.

I’m surrounded by Assholes!

In front of the glory hole in the back room at #59 Smith Street?

Oh John! You’ve always been on my list.

What if you’ve been thrown under the bus, though?

That’d be pretty much exactly why we can’t post pictures.

It’s being longer than we thought.

Nah, their wheelchairs get stuck in the sewer grates.

I believe brazil84 has been compiling his own personal list for years…

He’s got 'em on the list — he’s got 'em on the list;
And they’ll none of 'em be missed — they’ll none of 'em be missed.