An ongoing list of The Straight Dope's most epic assholes.

It looks like assholes all the way down, to me!

Hence my nomination of him upthread. Christ, what a grade-A moron.

You could say we’re up to our elbows in assholes.

All I’m seeing here is asshole and elbows! That’s supposed to be a good thing, isn’t it?

Do Epic Assholes get a +1 bonus on their saving throws?

“Saving throws?” You’re on the list, nerdhole!
(Uh-oh. Damn.)

Who is least likely to end up on this list? SamClem? Ellen Cherry? FairyChatMom?

Well, I can see that I haven’t been listed by name yet. So I guess I’m better than all you assholes.

Qadgop the Mercotan. No question about it.


Originally Posted by Crafter_Man
“An extremely tragic event, obviously. But I would rather keep our gun laws exactly the way they are – and put up with the occasional massacre – than enact ultra-strict gun control measures that would guarantee something like this would never occur.”
Originally Posted by Crafter_Man
“Giving a choice between a) keeping my guns and living with the current crime rate, and b) giving up my guns and a guarantee there will never be another murder in this country using a firearm, I would choose the former.”
From this thread

Who also declaw their cats.

Damn! Fouled again. “Im an assshollee” *Quote from Dennis Leary :smiley:

You need to throw circumcision in there somewhere.

Hi. My name is Kiber and I’m an asshole.

Whew - felt good to get that off my chest.

It’s on your chest?

Boy, are you built weird!

And something about pit bulls.

No love for our resident Paper Towel Tube expert?

Not the kind he’s into.

And something about how disgusting fat people are.

I’ve suggested that adaher addahimself to the list. He and the other resident simpletons are still frothing at the mouth because the Secret Muslim didn’t go to Paris. None of those ass clowns has the faintest idea what goes into a presidential visit (yes, I’ve been involved with one), but are all experts on the matter.