An open 'letter' to any surviving Seuss fans...

Somebody please stop Mrs. Geisel from her E-Vile ways. If she would just please dissappear from the face of this planet we would all be better off. Does anyone here remember the POINT of How the Grinch Stole Christmas? Anyone? We have Grinch Lunchboxes now. Grinch Cereal. Grinch Toys and bandanglers. Grinch Whosits and theme parks, and soon a Jeep Wrangler.

I do not like this, Sam-I-am… I do not like this Grinch Mayhem.

This is better suited for MPSIMS, since you didn’t solicit other’s opinions on the subject.

T’weren’t the Missus behind that debacle. It was Good 'Ole Hollywood. They are always in the market for the ultimate Holiday movie (and the major coin it can bring in). B/c Mrs. Seuss owns all copyrights, she finagled (sp?) the deal in such a way that she had LOTS of influence over the script, etc. BION, this was a GOOD thing. She had many vetos (vetoes? - I’ll ask Dan Quayle) when the project diverged too far from the book (which is much better - ain’t it always so).

the lunch boxes are from the horrid collision of Seuss, Hollywood and Madison Avenue.

…or did I miss your point entirely…


I might just be making stuff up, but I seem to remember that Dr. Seuss didn’t want the crap marketed out of his stuff and always refused licensing offers. I certainly don’t remember any such things when I was a child.

I’m not so fond of it either; I hate all the crap that’s pushed at our children. :frowning: As far as I’m concerned TinyTot can read the book, and maybe watch the cartoon of the Grinch but I am not taking him to the movie.

tater: hit the nail on the head exactly.

slythe: (no offense [which means you’ll automatically take it that way]) I don’t think just becase I didn’t solicit a response this does not belong in IMHO (doesn’t that stand for In My Humble Opinion?) I just don’t believe that this is pointless or shit.


tatertot (who still owes me a toaster - not gonna forget that :smiley: ) is correct about ye old good Dr. Suess not allowing commercialization of his stuff.

I’m a little torn, tho’ 'cause I really like my cat in the hat tshirt and my grinch socks, and (hint hint hint) would also really like some grinch and cat in the hat plush items, and really enjoy my Dr. Suess rubber stamps.

But the movie - bah. the amount of crap coming from the movie? double and triple bah.

I got something right? Wow. It’s time for me to move on up to GQ, baby!