An Unfortunate Wardrobe Accident? (-or-) Did Janet Plan It?

Sorry to start the umpteenth thread on the Superbowl Boobage Incident, but there’s surprisingly little talk on what I want to know most: Did she intend to expose her boob? If not, did Justin intend to expose it?

Or was the stunt intended to leave her flimsily covered by her bra-thingy? Did Justin try to rip off the outer covering, but accidentally ripped off both layers?

I myself find it impossible to believe one would wear nipple jewelry like that, without intending it to be exposed. But maybe it would have shown well enough through the sheer undergarment, and her plan was to expose only that much. I’d have to see the effect of the jewelry thru the bra, on camera, to know more.

Please expound at length on this topic.

I think this is the 4th thread about JJ’s boobage

Kinda looks like she wore a matched set. Based on both their expressions this didn’t go off as planned. I can’t say I appreciate a teen idle (spelling intended) ripping the clothes off a woman as a form of family entertainment.

For me, the clinchers were that nipple jewelry, and MTV’s teaser announcements promising “shocking moments” in the half-time entertainment. Planned, intended, and then lied, lied, and lied about.

Take a look at the other half of her red brassiere and black bustier combo. The bra covers the entire breast, it’s even higher than the bustier cup. There’s nothing shocking about that bra, and ripping off just the bustier cup would have if anything been anti-climatic. No, the bra cup was meant to go, too. And they’re trying to convince us that Timberlake was able to accidentally rip the bra cup cleanly off the side strap on one side and away from the other cup on the other side, in one simple movement? Please, give me a break.

(P.S. to everybody: “Super Bowl” is two words.)