And now, for something completely different

The Amphibious Motor-bus.

Whoda thunk it?

Not really much different from


which are but two of dozens such operations around the USA. All inspired by some WWII surplus machines first pressed into tourist service in the 1950s but now long since replaced by larger variations on the same theme:

The Amfibus is certainly starting from a more modern baseline, but is still the same idea. For completeness, here’s the folks over in the Netherlands using the Amfibus, you guessed it, an amphibious tourist trolley, not a transit vehicle

Grew up with “Ducks” everywhere, but was intrigued when we saw some Amphi-Cars at Disney Springs, FL. They looked cool, but they were booked for the rest of the afternoon.

here was a thread on duck boats recently …

Dang, I was expecting a man with three buttocks…

But not the Spanish Inquisition?

Well… The Spanish Inquisition actually gave you 30 days notice!

Quite Interesting - Spanish Inquisition

From QI (“What a show!!”)