- Mousi? Anyway, my Logitech Marble Mouse trackball is dying a slow useless death. The left button is misfiring when hit or on and my curse-to-misfire ratio is rapidly climbing. Who’s got an optical mouse? Do optical mice work well enough to justify their prices? I have seen the MS one and another called Boomslang (IIRC) sold mostly as a “gaming” device. Are there any others about, and what do they cost? - MC
I’ve got an MS IntelliMouse and it’s the best purchase I’ve made in a long time. Mind you, I really HATED my old one I may have some unresolved issues which you don’t. Still, it never needs cleaning, works on any surface and has those cool back/forward browser buttons.
I got an optical mouse with my new iMac, and I love it.
I still have a trackball mouse (which I have to clean shit out of all the time, I hate it) but just yesterday I visited a friend’s house, and he had an optical mouse. It worked great. I didn’t see any problem with it, except when I was playing CounterStrike, sometimes (actually, it only happened twice) at random times I would be looking directly upward for some reason. It might have been the mouse, or the game which caused it. But it wasn’t a terribly debilitating error to begin with. I really want an optical mouse.