And then there was the Formosan bartender ...

… named Taiwan On.

And the dive shop that specialized in dive computers and frustrated English majors, called “Divers Alarums.”

I have a Mexican-Irish drinking buddy:
Juan Moore.

I went to school with a guy named Brian Iwata. He became a microbiologist, not an oceanographer.

Wow, I feel exceptionally dumb today. I didn’t get any of these except Juan Moore. Had to look up “tie one on”, “alarum”, and I still have no idea what Brian Iwata is supposed to mean.:confused:

Bri-ny watuh.

But wouldn’t it be bri-any watuh?

He was cousin to the Siamese-Mexican bartender, Thai Juan On.

Henry Wong and Mary Wong had a baby. They killed it, then tried to reanimate it so that they could have an undead child. But it didn’t work.

It just goes to show you, two Wongs don’t make a wight.

How long is a Chinaman’s name./?


Sorry about that.

Brian Iwata = briny water