And while I'm at it, quit fucking up GQ

So really, there are only two forums worth shit on here. GQ and the Pit. The rest is just a waste of space, but it keeps the tards busy, so I guess they do serve some purpose.

But as with the Pit, people are fucking up GQ. I don’t care about people asking stupid questions, that’s fine, though honestly, half of them can be answered with about 20 seconds of googling. But whatever.

I am really tired of these people who keep trying to answer questions in GQ when they have no fucking idea what they are talking about.

Legal threads. “Well, it makes sense to me that the answer to your question is X*”. The answer to your fucking question is not X. It’s X, combined with Y and maybe a little bit of Z, but probably not A, which is what every dickbag who doesn’t understand the law thinks.

(* X is always fair use, adverse posession, or some other theory that the layman thinks is a sort of magic solution to every problem. Fuck off with your fair use, you don’t even understand how it works.)

Science threads. We have a bunch of physics grad students, doctors, engineers, and whatever else. Some of them even understand the science. So when someone asks a question about relativity, maybe you shouldn’t throw in the knowledge you got from listening to the books-on-tape version of “A Brief History of Time”.

Stop posting your WAGs. If it’s a WAG, don’t post it. Simple. And read the fucking rules again, because there are not supposed to be joke posts until after the question is answered.

GQ is about fighting ignorance. If you’re not an expert on a topic, and there are experts on that topic, make sure you know what the fuck you are talking about. I guarantee you that some idiot will read the first answer in a thread about marrying hamsters, and the first reply will be some WAG about how it’s a 13th amendment issue. And that idiot will listen to the other idiot and spread the word that the 13th amendment refers to hamster fucking, without paying attention to the rest of the posters, who actually know what the hell they are talking about, because it’s much easier to just confirm what we think we know than to wade through the garbage to find the truth.

So quit posting more dross to sift through in GQ just because it makes you feel big to throw a WAG out there. You’re just being an asshole.

Who the fuck pissed in your cornflakes today?

I think he wants to be a mod. If Judge Dredd was a mod.

I guess he hit his 1-year anniversary since signing up and decided he owns the joint.

WAG. Somebody fucked his hamster, and when he objected, they cited the 13th amendment as giving them the right to.

While I’m on board with this and its sister rant, I gotta tell ya ivn1188, you’re coming off as more than a little butthurt here.


I’m pretty sure actual flames are coming out of his ass. :eek:

He’s not even a good troll.

“Keeps the tards busy”? Well, why don’t we just go ahead and use that in the forum descriptions?

MPSIMS - Keeping the Tards Busy Since 1973. It takes longer than we thought.

That’s a little harsh, dontcha think? I’m sure the OP is very smart.

Only the Pit and GQ are worthwhile? Here, try MPSIMS for a week. You need more puppies and kittens pictures in your life. Got to balance your life, ya know.

Not really butthurt. Just reasonable enough to know that the people who this is directed at are not competent enough to realize this is aimed at them. Therefore this thread, and the other, actually provide more value in the retributive sense than in the persuasive sense.

Poor baby. It’s so tough being the only one who understands, isn’t it? Either that or you’re just wrong. I’m sure it’s one or the other.

My bet is its the urethra. Flames shooting out the urethra tend to make one very testy.

I completely agree that too many people talk out their ass in GQ. What pisses me off more than making a WAG without really acknowledging you don’t know is people who answer a different question than was asked, because that’s the question they want to answer. Or “answering” by questioning why on earth the person asking would ask such a question.


Am I offered “another thing?”

No, but I can offer you a good deal on “The Other”.

I like WAGs from smart people. Even if they don’t have the exact answer, they’ll often have a relevant opinion that may help people figure out the true answer.

What I hate in GQ is Smart Assed Comments. They often derail the thread as other people add more ‘funny’ posts and other posters telling them to knock it off.