Android file manager/sd problem

I have one of these
I looooove it - however I never seem to have enough storage space
At the moment my storage is as follows: Interal tablet storage
Total space 175 mb
Available space 7.69 mb
SD card
Total space 3.69 gb
Available space 3.35 gb

So I’m thinking to myself that I have over 3 gb on the SD card - why not move some stuff from the tablet memory to the SD card - Fine only I can find no frakken way to do it. I tried to use Astro file manager which has a move option but I couldn’t work out how it worked. I can backup stuff onto the card but cannot get things to move. Any folks out there with a solution.

That feature only became available with android 2.2 and it looks like your tablet runs 2.1.

Even on 2.2 you can only move part of the application to the SD. The only solution for devices with limited internal storage is flashing a custom rom with app2sd capability and creating an extra EXT2 partition on the SD. Then the device will see the EXT2 partition as an extension of the internal storage.

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