As per link here, both Animal Practice and Made In Jersey have been canceled.
I doubt any will mourn their loss - we watched one episode of Animal Practice and didn’t find it even mildly amusing, let alone funny. We did watch both episodes of Made In Jersey, but are not all that sad to see it bite the dust after only two airings.
Not a single one of the new shows this season interested me enough to watch a single episode. That’s probably the first time that’s happened, ever. I must be getting old. But I’m not at all surprised to see some of the shows getting cancelled, they seemed like they sucked pretty hard from the previews.
I hated it when they interrupted the Olympics closing ceremony to show that crappy Jerry Seinfeld reality show four years ago and I hated it when they did the same thing this year with that crappy sit-com. I’m guessing about the ‘crappy’ part since I didn’t watch either one. So good riddance. Maybe that’ll teach them not to interrupt the Olympics with their crappy shows.
So do any of the new series have staying power? I haven’t watched many of them, but surely one of them is going to turn out to be worthwhile. Nashville, perhaps?
I never even heard of Made in Jersey. I did watch 10 minutes of Animal Practice and was unamused. Gave up Revolution after one episode for the stupidity.
I am enjoying Nashville though, after two episodes.
Yeah, I saw a few and didn’t dislike it, but just as with Animal Practice, I didn’t like it enough to remember to watch it. I have always enjoyed Mathew Perry’s work and I hope he gets to remain working.
I remember seeing an ad for Animal Practice and predicting that it would get canceled extremely quickly, I think my specific prediction was by 3 episodes. I have no idea what the TV execs were thinking green lighting a show like that.