I went to get some socks last weeks and there, in the Hanes rack, I saw these ankle socks. I thought maybe a stocker had made a mistake, but no, these were big ankle socks.
What’s up with that? Are there a bunch of girly-men out there? I’ll bet Ahnold don’t wear no ankle socks. Not unless Maria makes him, anyway.
I know I’m out of touch, but when did this come about. Freakin’ girly socks for so-called men. Next thing you know men will be wearing their hair “tousled”.
mangeorge, who feels better now.
I’ve used these for running and cycling for many years. Gotta be acrylic,cotton blisters.
they’re better when wearing shorts, so as not to appear silly when your regular tube socks wouldv’e fallen down. i like them better for comfort, personally
I wear nothing but ankle socks. When I wear socks at all, that is. I generally don’t like the feeling of anything on my calves.
I don’t like wearing tube socks except in very cold weather so 98% of my socks are ankle socks.
So how long have they been around ya freakin’ sissies. I know they weren’t available when I was a young, shorts wearing man. We wore regular socks, or no socks at all.
I’m kidding. I wear pink, and I don’t call it "salmon’. I’ve never noticed these ankle socks things before.
They look better than having socks pulled up to the calf or bunched around the ankle when wearing shorts.
They do not make my hairy legs itch. I save several minutes each evening that would normally be spent scratching until I reached bone.
At least ten years.
Don’t you get cold?
Gotcha, spooje.
My wife makes sport of men who wear these out in public. She calls 'em pussy socks. Make of that what you will.
I’ve been wearing these for well over a decade now… the only kind of socks I’ll buy.
Besides the comfort issue, and the not having to pull them up all the time issue, there’s the fact they contain MUCH less actual sock material… meaning I feel less bad about throwing them in the landfill when they finally get holes in 'em.
Why, tell me please, does a sock need to cover one’s calf? You’re not wearing shoes there!
I wear them with shorts. I used to have trouble with my teenage son stealing them from me, so it isn’t a generation thing.
It’s better than wearing black knee socks with shorts.
[sub]why do some men do that???[/sub]
Holy crap, is there anything a guy can do these days without it making them being sterotyped as a “sissy”, “wussy”, etc?
My husband wears these often - he probably has about a dozen pair, along with his “manlier” socks. His father and brother wear them, too. Admittedly, when I first saw it, I thought it was hilarious. Even I didn’t wear ankle socks!
Now hubby’s got me convinced - these suckers are comfy, damnit.
He’s been wearing them since high school, which was under 10 years ago - and he was a pretty “manly” kind of man, being on the football, basketball, and baseball teams. He’s pretty tall, muscular-y, and very hairy. You should see the impressive bearskin rug on his chest.
The first time I ever saw them worn by a male (that I noticed them) was when my teenage son started wearing them years ago. I actually thought, since they were white, that he had accidently bought himself girl’s tennis socks. He assured me that he had bought them from the boy’s sock rack but, to protect his reputation, I went to KMart and checked. Of course he turned out to be right. Kid’s seem to wear only them now.
Well, guys, why don’t y’all just get yourselves a pretty pink bow to go with those socks; you’ve got to accessorize, y’know!
I guess I know what some grownups felt like when the Beatles got guys started wearing long hair.
I have never been called a sissy when wearing nothing but ankle socks.
My usual mode of dress when I am home is Shorts, T-shirt, Ankle Socks, Sandals and a Fanny Pack.
Feel free to make fun of this heavily armed (hence the Fanny Pack) 6"1" 305 lb. oil rig worker whenever you think that you are ready.
I even wear black ankle half socks to work, as part of “business casual”. No one can tell, and it beats the itching that comes with “regular length” dark socks, as leenmi mentioned.