So, you may not have known, but USA Today had the ingenious idea to hire Ann Coulter to cover the DNC (and Michael Moore to cover the RNC, but we can talk about that when the convention is going on, I guess).
Putting aside the obvious insanity of this idea, it sounds pretty good, right? A couple of ideologues covering the opposite number’s party, should make for some laughs.
Well. Little did they know they weren’t even going to get out of the gate with it. Long story short, Coulter submits a bilious, spittle-flecked, hate-filled screed, which the editors at USA Today decline to publish. According to Ann,
Ah, yes, the “they’re all against me” defense, a favorite of children and people who act like children the world over.
Giving the readers a chance to decide for themselves which party has the shit-for-brains, Ann went and posted the contraversial article on her website. I’ll leave it as an exercise for the reader to decipher Ann’s ramblings, save only to quote my favorite part:
Nice, eh? Classy broad, that Ann. You can almost smell the foam around the mouth, with that one little hypnotic wobbly bit right in the corner, just taunting you…occasionally forming a small bubble, then bursting, and starting over…
Now, I know pitting Ann Coulter is on a par with pitting Bill O’Reilly in terms of frequency, but I just can’t ignore this kind of batshit insanity. Is that so wrong?
In any case, I will leave you with one last quote, again from Ann: