Another animal related Pit rant. (Indulge me please)

This thread is directed at the sorry excuses for human beings who indulgently refer to themselves at “pet owners”.

Yes, you know who you are. You go out and get yourself a little puppy or kitty to entertain you or your unruly brats. And when the puppy or kitty grows up and you have neglected to spay or neuter them and all of the sudden you have a gaggle of miniatures you didn’t count on. (which you should have you moron, if you don’t fix your pet they will have babies. Once again, for those of you who are really dense, IF YOU DON’T FIX YOUR PETS THEY WILL HAVE BABIES).

Or those who think a puppy or kitty will be soooo much fun and they are sooo cute. The all of the sudden you realize, OMG! You actually have to take care of them.

Then when you have a litter of unwanted animals or you’ve ended up with an animal you realize you are not smart enough to take care of. Instead of taking these animals to a shelter or humane society you just drop them off somewhere abandoned and vunerable.

A little history to explain my “righteous indignation”.

Last Wednesday I found a kitten approximately 10-12 weeks old at my mothers’ apartment complex. He was suffering from an abscessed bite wound and a distended abdomen (which I though was caused by him being infected with worms).

I knew several people who lived in this complex so I asked around an no one knew who he belonged to. A little girl in the area said she had seen him attacked by a small dog which probably explained the wound.

My mom has a soft spot for kitties (she has 4 rescue cats and I am the proud owner of one of her rescues as well) and asked her what she wanted me to do. We decided to take him to her vet and have him looked at.

Well the vet treated him for the abscess and diagnosed him with possible Wet FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis) a highly contagious and always fatal disease.

He said there was about a 20 percent chance it was worms and that he would treat him for the worms but didn’t want to put him to sleep right away if there was a possibility he could survive.

Being that he was so young and would be very adoptable if we could help him get healthy we decide to keep him and treat him as best we could. And hope that we could get him back to good health.

Sadly, eventhough he seemed to improve the first couple of days, his health declined progressively after the weekend. With a heavy heart my mom and I decided that it wasn’t in his best interest to continue treating him and mom took him in tonight and had him euthanized.

But to the puke who abandon him-that poor animal had to live in isolation conditions in my garage and was only able to be handled through latex gloves for the last week of his life.

Now, either you abandoned a perfectly healthy animal who would have had no problem being adopted out at a shelter if it hadn’t been so inconvient for you to take him there. Then he was subsequently infected.

Or, even more heinous, you knew this animal was ill and just left him out where he was not only vunerable because of his condition but also a threat to other peoples’ pets.


Now just a little friendly advise for prospective pet owners. If you are contemplating adopting a companion animal from somewhere other than a shelter (where they are usually already vaccinated and spayed or neutered). Make sure you have somewhere in the neighborhood of $200 earmarked for his/her immediate vetrinary needs BEFORE you acquire the animal. For their safety and health they need to vaccinated and if you do not want the added responsibility of a litter of small animals you need to have your new pet altered. They also need to have their vaccinations boostered once a year.

I suspect that a great deal of the members of this board are not ones who would neccessarily need to be reminded of these things. Most seem intelligent enough to know that if they wanted to get a pet and didn’t have the information they needed they would make the effort to gain it.

Mostly I needed to vent and if someone who needs the information runs across this thread, all the better.

Consider yourself indulged.

A while back, we had a neighbor who had a shitload - and when I say a shitload, I mean a huge full-on diarheal Ex-lax-induced Big-Fat-Guy-Who-Ain’t-Shat-In-Weeks shitload - of cats. They really didn’t take care of any of them, so they (the cats) just roamed the neighborhood.

Well, one of the cats wound up getting pregnant. And where do you think she had her litter? That’s right, MARS! I mean, uh… our garage. Yeah, our garage. So, suddenly, we had a cat. And kittens. Three of 'em.

To make a long story short, we found homes for all the kittens in a few weeks, and then the cat stopped coming around… until she got pregnant again. Yup… four more kittens. We only found homes for three of them this time, and we still have the one we kept (although she’s big, fat, and bad-tempered… but at least we feed the damn thing). ANYway… the original cat had another litter in our garage (we wound up keeping yet another one of those), and she finally began to think of our place as “home” (although she was still a little wild).

She disappeared a few months later… never found out what happened to her. But we got stuck with two cats that we never asked for, but are now obligated to take care of (heck, it’s been several years now).

The kicker is that I hate cats.

Why me?

Hey, Stoid! Ya want to rant righteously – get in here an’ do this one!

(Only, the thoughtless feeb-brained wankers who don’t de-sex their pets deserve more as invective than “schmoe”.)

When I hear about people being cruel and irresponsible with animals, I get an urge to find an iron dildo, heat it red hot in a kiln, and introduce it the jerkweed’s anus. (Okay, I’ll never really do it, but let me have the fantasy, Okay?) I belong to a cat rescue organization and have fostered, “saved”, and found homes for thirty some odd cats over the last four years, many of them with special needs, so I’ve heard all the tales about whole litters of kittens left to die and healthy adults abandoned.

It isn’t very expensive to get an animal spayed or neutered, many places do it for cost. But there are a lot of dumbfucks who’d rather spend a weekend drinking a whole lot of booze then taking care of their pet. I know because I have a brother-in-law whose girlfriend has two cats, male and female, both unfixed, and they seemed surprised that the female gets pregnant every year. Dumb, dumb dumfucks. I’ve though about paying for the spay and neuter out of my own pocket, but that would only led the brother-in-law to asking for money “Hey, the cat needs her teeth cleaned, and I need a keg of beer, so could you cover the vet?” Maybe I should consider catnaping and find new homes for their cats.

You know, if I had neighbors like that, I’d be sorely tempted to catnap their cat and fix it anyway. They obviously aren’t paying attention and would probably never know.

Plus, it would save the world a few more homeless kittens. I think it would be money well spent.


Bless you and your mom for caring. The little guy would have died a far worse death if you hadn’t taken care of him.

I’m involved in greyhound rescue and I swear the ignorance and stupidity of some people towards animals is overwhelming. I get very discouraged at times, but we have to keep going because there are way too many domesticated animals in the world and way too few people who are willing to step up and deal with the problems.

We do make progress but it’s so, so slow. It’s to the point now when I go to the animal shelter with donations I literally run in and run out because if I see ONE more person who is giving up a pet for any one of the 900 asinine excuses there are to do so, I honestly could not be responsible for what I might do or say.

My friend has a friend (I’ll call her ‘M’) who is morally opposed to sterilization. Therefore, she refused to get her cat spayed. The cat got pregnant and was not doing too well with it. The vet informed M that the unborn kittens were dying and the cat would die, too, if she (the cat) didn’t receive an abortion.

Of course, that wasn’t possible, because abortion is the worst sin on earth. So M let the cat die an unimaginably horrible death trying to deliver those dead kittens.

“I’m so sad,” M cried. “My little kitty is dead.”

I sincerely hope that someday M develops a raging tubal pregnancy and her abdominal organs explode and she dies in the bathtub naked with blood leaking from her eyeballs. Not really, but I feel better having said that.

Not to add fuel to the fire, but check out this little article that ran in today’s SF Chronicle …
A good thought gone wrong

The short version - this woman bought a $400,000 house just for her dozens of cats. She didn’t want to give them over to authorities for fear they would be euthanized (sp?). So she bought them a house.
Oh, she didn’t bother to spay or neuter any of them, so the house was basically Hef’s Grotto for Cats. Now there’s like 170 of them. All in poor health - or dead. The woman would come by avery now and again to feed them.

Now she’s in cuffs. Animal cruelty. All because she was trying to save cat lives.

Hard to hate her, but jeez louise, she just wasn’t thinking.

I posted this before, and many didn’t believe it then. My sister started taking care of a pregnant stray. {Incredibly gross story deleted. I believe you, but even I have limits. Lynn}

[Edited by Lynn Bodoni on 05-24-2001 at 11:02 PM]

Good Fuck, man! Why would you want to repeat a story like that. I won’t be able to sleep for a month.
By the way, who are you? Or should I say - who did you used to be? I think I missed a meeting.

You know what else I really hate? People who abandon their animals.

I live in a resort area where the population goes up x6 in the summer. There’s always a slew of people who get a pet for the summer and then just abandon them. My family has raised several cats that have been abandoned this way.

On the first day of school my freshman year my brother was walking through our neighborhood and heard a sound in a shrubbery. We took in the kitten and named it Chester Moses. But there’s slews of animals that simply are not found or taken in. Some of them live in the wild on the beaches, but most of them don’t even make it through the fall.

Jack Batty:

I’m not sure what Harmonious Discord posted as it had been edited by the time I got in here. I’m kinda glad I didn’t get to read it though because the story from the SF Chronicle that you posted was enough to make me physically ill.

It amazes me that people will keep animals in conditions like that and not at some point realize that it’s far from OK.

I have the distinct feeling that her money would have been far better spent donated to shelters or even creating a rescue haven where they could have been better cared for.

I wish people would get the message that a female cat does not need to have a litter before she gets spayed. I have met fairly intelligent people who believe this little gem, and so don’t get their cat spayed before they go into heat. And you know where the kittens go? That’s right - off to the shelter with them (the lucky ones). My cat is from the Humane Society Shelter in town here, and she was spayed before I was allowed to take her home like all cats that come from shelters here (she was about 5 or 6 months old and in heat at the time).

Update on the Petaluma Catwoman

In my previous post I said, she just wasn’t thinking. I’d like to update that. Apparently she is incapable of thinking because she is a flaming nitwit.

This is her direct quote - “All of a sudden there were more and more cats.” All of a sudden? What are they? Fucking gremlins? Didn’t this woman ever have “the talk” with her mom.

She says she started with two cats. If this friggin’ doorknob would have just had them spayed to begin with she’d have two happy cats and one mortgage.

What a maroon. What an ultra-maroon. What a ta-ra-ra-goondy-ay.

(that’s my substitute swear-words that I use since my son was born)

Glad that you did the right thing. I’m not a cat person (allergic as all get-out), but we all know that you’ve done us Dopers proud.

I’ve been very lucky to have adopted two purebred Old English Sheepdogs. One (Wesley) from the humane society, and the other (Maxmillian) from a family w/5 children who just didn’t realize how much work an Old English can be. Both have papers; both have champion lineage.
We know that both of these dogs came from (unreputible)breeders who sold them for close to $1000 each.

Fluffy clowns, they are…

but, uhhh… Wesley’s in the preoverbial dog-house. Seems my wife got up from balancing the checkbook to go find some receipts, and returned to find the check register missing.

and found Wesley happily eating it…

just chewing up the right side of the register… you know, where the AMOUNTS of the checks go.

and just the FIRST few pages of the register… you know, the ones that my wife had JUST filled out.


I’d hate to be in HIS fluffy fur today!


*Originally posted by SPOOFE *
…found homes for all the kittens in a few weeks…
…found homes for three of them this time,…
…still have the one we kept…
… stuck with two cats…



Rationalize all you want,
you cat loving
bleeding heart
softie you.


*Originally posted by SPOOFE *
…found homes for all the kittens in a few weeks…
…found homes for three of them this time,…
…still have the one we kept…
… stuck with two cats…



Rationalize all you want,
you cat loving
bleeding heart
softie you.