In this thread I spoke of the pain I felt when I called Animal Control to come and pick up a stray kitten.
As I mentioned, I went to the shelter to check on the critter personally. And I have been tossing in bed for over an hour now over what I saw, so I HAVE to get up and vent!
Goddamn you people! What part of “Please spay and neuter your animals” don’t you understand?!! I saw dozens of kittens and puppies that needed homes. The five little kitties in one cage saw me looking at them and leaped onto the cagefront, begging for attention!
Is it the expense of vet care? Then you shouldn’t get a pet in the first place! I don’t equate pets with human beings, but if you take in an animal I feel you are obligated to give it the best care you can afford. And that includes medical treatment. I love my own two cats and recently spent quite a bit(for me) on blood tests for one of them, because an earlier checkup had indicated he may have problems. Thank God it was a false alarm, and I don’t regret one penny.
Maybe if everyone was required to visit a shelter once in a while we wouldn’t have as big a problem. I once heard a report that a TV station(I think it was in California) once let a shelter animal, a nice dog, be euthanized right on the air, to try and wake people up to the problem of too many strays!!!
Sorry for the length and the rambling nature of this venting. If I was less tired I would have composed something more organized, but as it is I am just letting things flow. It’s not even original, others have done a better job.