So my husband comes back in 10 days. (See this thread to understand more about the following.)
Well today I was supposed to call him on my lunch break from work. In fact I woke up this morning and called him for a second just to make sure he’d be in his hotel room between certain hours so that I would not waste my break trying to call. He said he’d be there. So 12:00 comes. Noon here in Japan is 9pm in Texas. So I called and his roommate said he wasn’t in. I became a bit worried because today an old friend of his, and this friend’s entire family, came to visit him and as far as I knew, all 6 people were staying in a hotel room meant for 2 short term military students. (Meaning a tiny primitive room.) So I began to stress. I wasted my entire lunch break trying him. I went out and RAN and bought a $20 phone card so I could call him FROM WORK on this 15 minute break I get later on. I was really worried because his roommate said he’d been out for 3 hours, I had just spoken to my husband this morning and told him when I’d call, and he said he’d call here and leave a message on the machine if he wouldnt be in. So whatever happened was unexpected.
So my 15 minute break came at 3. My phone card didn’t work!! I had to call at&t customer service and beg the guy to connect me even though they usually don’t, because it turns out you can’t use the kind of phone I was on. (what the hell?!) After many minutes of stress, I reach his room…and he wasn’t there yet!!!
By now it was midnight in Texas. You have to understand, my husband does not have a rental car and is on a base in the middle of NOWHERE. And he has a class at 7 am. So I’m thinking, he’s out with his friend (a kind of irresponsible guy to say the least) and what the hell happened??? My coworkers strongly believed there were two possibilities: cheating on me or dead! (My coworkers are these 2 women who actually stress out more than I do.) My husband is not one to cheat which I believed mostly. I trust him mainly cause there isnt anyone for him to cheat with where he is. He’s DEFINITELY not a sleep around guy. If he were to cheat on me I know it’d be with someone he knew. He wouldnt anyway cause he wouldnt even have sex with me till his divorce went through.
ANYWAY so I got off work at 4, 1am in Texas. There was a message on the machine from my husband who I called right back. HE HAD NOTHING TO SAY TO ME. “I just went out to get food”…till midnight??? Maybe, but the point is, we have never gone 3 days without talking and he doesnt even care! He said that is not a long time. Yeah, if we were just friends. But we’re married. Before we were married we spoke EVERY day and once or twice every other day. We’ve been seeing eachother every single day since we’ve been living together, nearly 2 years now. And he doesn’t even miss me or feel concerned about me or the kids. He told me this. He said “I’m sure you’re ok. I’ve only been gone 5 days.” Welllll I’m stressed and in trouble at work and his daughter may have pink eye. But did he give me a chance to tell him? Nope, cause he wanted to go back to sleep. Now granted it was late for him to be up, but when I asked why he wanst home when I told him I was going to call he said he thought I was calling at 7 his time. 10am my time. I gave him a paper with the time differences on it and only spoke to him an hour earlier to say I’d call when it was 9 his time. He said he forgot. Now he’s pissed at me because I can’t let him be free and live his life. All women I’ve spoken to so far about this understand entirely how I feel. So is this a man/woman communcation problem, or am I wrong to miss him and expect him to miss me back?