Another secret thread!

We’ve done this before and I think it’s been a lot of fun. Here’s how it works: if you have a secret you want to share anonymously, send me an email (my username – remember 2 i’s, then andy, then 4 i’s) and I’ll post it here. Feel free to use an anonymous email address, but I’ll delete your email either way and won’t reveal the source. I’ll post secrets with the following format:


I am a special little cupcake.


So send me your secrets! Put DOPE SECRET in all caps in your email subject line.

I won’t be posting obvious joke secrets, since last time I got so many of those it started to dominate the thread. Genuine secrets only, please! Send them along and let’s gossip!


Sometimes I feel like there’s a monster inside me. I’m a married man in my 40s and I love my wife, but I still feel like I have the libido of a teenager. I’d never hurt anyone, but I fantasize about all kinds of perverted stuff, like nearly every day. Stuff that I know is wrong and sometimes it’s illegal. Does every man have this kind of monster inside them, or just me?



I fantasize about the death of my husband constantly. I love him and he’s a good man, but he just can’t seem to stop spending money. We’re not in debt, at least not yet, but our savings are nowhere near where they ought to be, all because he spends dollar after dollar on his hobbies. We’re a two income household, with two kids, but he spends almost as much as he earns. If he died, then the insurance money would set us up through their college and we’d be fine. The girls would be devastated, but at least I know our financial future would be safe.



Male, in my 50s. I live in the U.S.

I married my wife in the 1990s. She grew up in Asia.

She struggled with English when we first met. She’s much better at English now, not surprisingly. None-the-less, we “think” very differently at the most fundamental level. Morally she is a wonderful person and wonderful mother, but I have no real love or connection to her. I don’t have deep conversations with her. In fact, we barely talk. I long for someone I can talk to. It’s very lonely for me, and probably for her, too. Divorce would be such a huge financial hit that I don’t even want to think about it. My only escape is drinking beer on some evenings.


To the last secret-holder, have you considered a marriage counselor (or a therapist just for yourself)? At the very least that would be someone you could talk to.

Also recommend counseling for the couple facing financial difficulties.

First guy, you’re on your own. As long as you don’t hurt anyone, fantasize about anything you want.

Previous secret threads


A nude picture of me was briefly famous and circulated widely in the early days of the internet. It’s still very easily searchable. Many of you have seen it. Only one person knew it was me and they passed away over ten years ago.


It’s not GOATSE, is it?

Seconded. Marriage counseling doesn’t work for everything, but communication is one of the areas it can help immensely. Go for a few sessions and see what happens.


I’m secretly married to another Doper.


It’s sad that I immediately thought the exact same thing as you.

Who is this a secret from? Just other Dopers? Do everyday people in your real life know you are married? Does your spouse know they are married?

Even better, perhaps they know their spouse is a Doper, but their spouse does NOT know that they are a Doper!

If you are into this kind of stuff, this is the right link for this thread:
Some people are weird, some people are funny. Sometimes both.
I believe most are true.


I found out a few years ago thanks to Ancestry DNA that I have an adult biological son. I have never seen him since he was a baby, and always thought he couldn’t be mine because the mother insisted he was not born premature. After the DNA test, it came out that he was in fact born premature. I have been asked to never contact him out of respect for the father who raised him as his own son, and he and I have never spoken. The only other person I have told this secret to is my wife, who I told as soon as I learned the truth.


I have questions-

How did I miss the other secret threads?

Did any of the secrets involve me?

Do I have any secrets left the Dope doesn’t already know about?

We’re not allowed to tell you.


More DNA test result secrets. My adult son had a DNA test done a while back. No, it’s not what you think. Results came back pretty much as expected - he’s definitely mine, and obviously definitely his mom’s (I saw him come out so… ya.)

There was one fairly close result (first/second cousin match) that we did not recognize. Tried to puzzle it out. Made no sense.
They contacted me (I am the account holder) and there were no name matches in either family. I dug into it a bit more, and asked if this guy’s father was perhaps the type to fool around. They confirmed that this certainly fit.

Then my wife came back from a visit to her mother’s with some family photos. One was very curious - it was my wife’s mom and dad on a vacation to Europe a couple years after they were married. Had some other dude in the picture. Apparently that was a work friend of my wife’s dad who came along with them on vacation… weird I thought. Looked at the date. The vacation was approximately 9 months before my wife was born.

I’m pretty confident that my wife’s biological father is this dude, who is likely the father of the DNA match of my son’s. So it’s my son’s biological grandfather.

Have not told my wife any of this sleuthing. I am quite confident that she would NOT be happy to know this.



I’m a closeted bisexual man. I’m married to a wonderful woman whom I love, and I’m also a father. But in my alone time, I fantasize about men (and trans women) about 10-20% of the time in which I’m fantasizing (this also goes for porn). No one knows - I’ve never had a non hetero sexual encounter. In all likelihood, no one will ever know. I’m okay with that, and okay with likely never living out any of my bi fantasies. But I do wonder - how many ostensibly straight guys (and straight women for that matter) are really secretly bisexual like me?


@iiandyiiii Maybe you could number (or ‘letter’) each secret, i.e. NEW SECRET #9, etc. That way if folks want to comment about it they’d have an identifier to refer to instead of, “Regarding that one guy… the one who secretly carried on with squirrels…”