het adj : made warm or hot; “a heated swimming pool”; “wiped his heated-up face with a large bandana”; (het' is a dialectal variant of heated’ as in “he was all het up and sweaty”)
Gat, Get, Git, Got, Gut
gat1 (gt)
n. A narrow passage extending inland from a shore; a channel.
Anyway, I guess the answer is yes
bad: evil; not good
bed: furniture to sleep on
bid: to offer a price at auction
bod: slang for body
bud: plant structure in immature form; e.g., flower bud, leaf bud byd: to endure, to wait.
A random anecdote:
This summer, a bus stop I drove by nearly every day had an advertisement on it that said M_LES, where the _ was a picture of a bag of groceries. I never figured out what it was supposed to say… MALES? MILES? MOLES? MULES? I guess MELES isn’t really a word, although it seems to be a genus of European badgers