Anthrax letters identical?

I have not seen this written in any of the media, but when I did my own comparison of the anthrax letters sent to the Post and to Tom Brokaw, I found them both to be identical copies. The letter shapes, distances, overwrites, slants and spacing are identical copies. Is this just my imagination or has anyone else compared the two above letters for “similarities”. I have not been able to get a copy of the two letters exactly the same size to align them under a bright light, but for all intents and purposes they appear exactly the same as if carbon paper or Xerox was used to make one of them. Any help here.

I read in an article that one of the letters was a photocopy of the other.

Sorry I don’t have a link . . .

I think insider may be referring to the envelopes. I was very bothered by this. Two of the envelopes looked to be the exact same thing, even down to stray lines that wouldn’t have been there if the writer was more practiced in the Latin alphabet. Let’s all try to find some pictures now.

I am not referring to the envelopes, even though they may be very similar. What I am saying is that if you superimpose both letters, Post and Brokaw, they are identical copies and not separetly written or two different letters. Every flaw of every letter in each document are identical. I have not read, as of yet, of any media stating that they are duplicates but you would think that it would be the first thing that they would say about the two letters. If you look, not even very closely, at both documents you can see immediatly they are copies.

Here is a link to the letters and envelopes received by Brokaw, Daschle, and the Post. The second two definitely appear to be identical.

Strangely, when I first saw the pictures, the reminded me of the Zodiac Killer’s writing. THe mind makes weird connections sometimes.

Was the anthrax identical, though? I heard on the radio that while the anthrax sent to Daschle was very powdery and professional looking, the ones sent to media outlets were clumpier and looked (in the words of the microbiologist they got to do a sound bite) like dog chowder.

yes, insider, it is the letters, not the envelopes. my memory was just a bit loose. but i noticed the exact same thing the day the newspapers printed them. in fact, i looked in the paper the following day, expecting an apology or retraction for printing the same picture twice.

but for now, Occam’s Razor tells me to accept lucwarm’s explanation: one was a photocopy of the other.

Here’s a better picture from the FBI’s website in which you can clearly see that the letter sent to Brokaw was a copy of the Post letter.

Indeed. You might be interested in this page, by a guy who has deduced that the Zodiac Killer was as obsessed by Batman comics as he was.