Any boxing experts? If so, what about Ali-Liston II footage?

Follow-up on a thread from the dawn of this board. Recently, I came across someone else who mentioned that there was additional footage from a different angle that did show the punch landing much better than the “offical” film. However, as always, no one has details, only that they’ve heard it exists.

The Greenspann book mentioned in the link does indeed have a photo that illustrates it a little better, but there’s no reference to movie footage.

So. . . anyone with any convincing evidence that footage from a reverse angle exists. Or just a different angle. As it turned out, the official footage was filmed in probably the absolutely most inopportune spot to capture it.

Nothing here, but it might amuse you that the reputation of the fight has made it into a well-known poem by James Wright:

Full text here.

For what it’s worth, though:

It’s not as good as a side angle, but can’t-miss-it slow-motion ain’t a bad start.

I don’t know if I’ve seen the rumored “reverse angle” film, but I’ve seen enough to convince me that the punch landed with some power behind it. A short, straight right hand, and Liston is going down. He just barely avoided a wild left hook that would have taken his head off if it landed.