Just askin’.
I suggest a prime number of minutes. 2, 3, 5, 7, 11 or 13.
I think we need to consult with a numerologist or a feng shui-ist.
But a few more minutes wouldn’t be so bad, and I’m a guy who rarely uses it, as I am a preview-ist.
Really. 5 minutes should be enough.
Unless you are on dial-up, and do not preview, it should be enough to satisfy the spelling-obsessed.
Or, if the server coughs up…
(Which probby won’t give you enough time even with 10 minutes)
(see i did that in 5 minutes…)
I was going to try to edit the “i” to “I” but just missed the 5 minute window…And my WiFi is flakey on Fridays…
(It is usually slow, as the bank behind my apt. often interferes with the WiFi signal…)
Try changing the channel.
Doesn’t work. I am “stealiing” it from someone else, and have to use Channel 6.
Of course, Murphy’s law sets in right after my last post, and I was down for 10 minutes (I really think it is the bank, or the GM ONSTAR cars at the bank interferring…I moved the antenna higher and now everything is fine.)
Exactly 1 hour later, my WIFI screws-up again.
It has to be the bank, as everything goes fine at exactly5PM (6PM Fridays)
The WIFI screws-up at 8AM (a bit) and exactly each hour after that…weekends when the bank is closed no problems (unless a GM car uses the ATM…)
Five minutes does seem about right for what we need on all sides.
Since when have we been able to edit at all? :o
[QUOTE=Fiddle Peghead]
Since when have we been able to edit at all?
“We” haven’t, so I see no :mad: reason to stck ti the scriot,
I tried to edit a post a minute ago and it wouldn’t let me… I’d just posted the post about 30 seconds before and spent about 30 seconds editing.
How about in real life? Could I please have a five minute period in which to edit what I’ve said or done?
Yes you can, that and the **pony ** you always wanted.
What do you mean, you did not want a pony?
#&*!@#!, Okay, then you must be the wrong C K Dexter Haven.
Sorry, you cannot have the 5 minute real life edit either than, it is reserved for the C K Dexter Haven that always wanted a pony.
I always wanted a pony, but I’m not C K Dexter Haven. If I change my name, can I get the 5-minute real-life edit and the pony anyway?
Well I thought Cats already had a 5-minute real-life edit and what would a cat do with a Pony?
Wait do I really want to know?
Fifteen seconds would do it for me; that’s usually how long that mental hand-clapped-over-my-mouth takes to happen.
Probably not.
Silly humans, with their brains always ready to explode and leak out their left ear…
Bumping this beast. When Earl first advanced it, I thought, “Sheesh! Five minutes ought to be plenty for edits.”
I am, like many, on dial-up, and between the board and my own slow connection I do get regular time-outs.
After a week’s use of the new edit system, I’m averaging just over 50% on exceeding the five-minute limit.
Unless Jerry and the Tech Wizards (yeah, band name) have some marvelous optimizations in store that they haven’t implemented yet, I do think that a ten- or fifteen-minute edit window is fully justifiable. And that’s having given a week-long fair test to the five-minute window first.