There’s a lot of people building astromech droids and other Star Wars crap out there. Have any Dopers gone that far yet? I know some of you at least have a lightsaber or two.
No, but you should see my TRON suit!
A TRON suit? Please, that can’t hold a candle to my Ark of the Covenent living room set.
I don’t suppose this is you, it is? :eek:
No, but can you believe he was on one of the late-night talk shows? Conan or Tonight, I’m not sure which.
I always wanted an R2 unit to fetch drinks and such. If I had the cash, I’d be following the directions in the link posted.
If I had the cash. . . I’d pay that guy to make me one.
I built a Dalek in my basement, but I couldn’t get it up the stairs afterwards.
(Smatrass mode ON),
Here is my R2 (actually mine is a '36)
The Mad Hermit, you know, you could always build a bar monkey. If you combined it with a remote controlled R2, you’d really have a kick ass drinking machine!
That reminds me; I really need to finish my lightsabre one of these times. There are only two or three connections I still need to make…
Yeah, but all those guys are just making copies of the “D2” model of the R2 unit. Doesn’t anyone want to make, say, the red R2 unit that had a bad motivator?
That dude should wear a cup or something because you can see his sausage very clearly in those pics. I dont remember seeing trons cock in the movie.
In the documentary stuff that came with my copy of Tron (yes…I admit to buying the DVD!) Bruce talks a bit about the horrendously uncomfortable dance belts (a modified jockstrap, from what I understand) they had to wear. That guy online REALLY needs one…shudder
Some people should just not wear form-fitting clothes. Please.
I think that’s an R2D5. The guy I linked to is making one next I believe. If you look at his last couple pages (14 and 15 I think) you’ll see it. If it wasn’t him, it must have been one of the other guy’s project.
I’ve not got any Star Wars props of my own, but I have many many friends who do (Stormtrooper outfits, Boba Fett and Vader costumes, and loads more). One of whom built the droids for Episodes II and III of the real Star Wars.