Any genuine ghost stories...?

Anyone have any genuine first-hand ghost stories? Stuff they’ve experienced personally or perhaps by a reputable relative/friend?

I’m a skeptic myself but who doesn’t love a good ghost story… ?

:eek: :eek: :eek:

There was a recent thread (no more than 3 months old), but I’m darned that I can find it, even after using “scary”, “haunted”, and “ghost” as search terms…

I know a good Ghost story, but it ends with butt cancer.

Well if anyone can find the thread - it’s dark outside, I’m in a house on my own and I bought a new candleholder today…

Am I missing something…? Are you offering a joke, a spooky tale, life-anecdote or all three?

Supersonic whoosh.

Maybe a reference to Patrick Swayze’s recently announced cancer?

Ah yeah, the film guy - should’ve paid more attention to that capital G… Well I wish him all the best and hope he makes a swift and full recovery.

I guess I should have specified that I was interested in “ghost” stories about “spectral phenomena” rather than Hollywood movies that have the same name. Glad that that’s been cleared up - don’t want any further misunderstandings… :wink:

Oh, we’ll find something to poke fun at…

I thought Swayze was like some mythic Love-God to you guys - have you no self-reproach…?

Anway, you’re supposed to be scaring me… :eek:

So did J. B. S. Haldane:

I wish I had the voice of Homer
To sing of rectal carcinoma…

Maybe this one?

Here let me ring the bell:

Lekatt Lekatt Lekatt

The short bus should be along any minute now.

Carry on.

[Jack Sparrow]That’s the one[/Jack Sparrow]

Thanks! I’ll have to read it tomorrow as I’ve got to go to bed now and well, I need to sleep…! :eek: