ANY LOTRO(Lord of the rings online) players?

Just curious if anybody is still playing LOTRO.

I’m still likeing it and having fun playing fairly casual, about to take my second toon to 50.

I play, but not super regular. I have a founders account, but my main is only 32.

My wife and I play. Because my wife plays this, I have to play it more than I play City of Heroes, which I prefer.

To us, someone getting a second toon to 50 is not a casual player. Our bests are in the mid-30s. We tend to stay away from anything that can’t be handled by a duo.

We’re on Silverlode.

I play, but have been busy at work lately. There is a SDMB kinship (The Third Gry) on Silverlode but we don’t seem to be very active.

just has a low 30’s Dwarf Champion

I play - probably a lot more than I should.

On Silverlode as well, though I’m not in the SDMB kin.

I haven’t been able to play for quite a while. My system keeps rebooting after a few minutes. :stuck_out_tongue:

I’m a regular player on Elendilmir – “regular” in the sense of playing most nights, but I only play two hours at the most. My main is up to 48.

I love it. I just love being in Middle Earth, even if they did have to shrink it down to make it manageable.


I am fairly regular on Meneldor, where lno and myself have a kinship called Fourth Eorlingas. We have the best of both worlds: our kin itself is small and collegial, but we have close relationships with larger raid kins for PvP and endgame content.