Seems like the sort of show that Dopers would flock to, either to praise it or revile it. Me, I fall under the “praise” category. Four episodes so far and they’ve all been pretty solid. Interesting characters, interesting plots, good central mystery. Michael C. Hall is great in the part. Strikes an amazing balance of sweet and creepy and has an amazing ability to look very different from scene to scene depending on the mood (although some props should probably go to the lighting department for that too). Makes me want to read the book it’s based on.
One thing I’m not getting is why the lieutenant has such a hardon for Dexter’s sister. They clearly don’t like each other but the sister seems to be basing that on the LT not treating her decently. I’m not getting why the LT is being such a tool.
Since Showtime has a bad record with it’s shows (like “Deal like Me”, which I thought was GREAT!), I don’t trust them, and am unwilling to spend either the $ subscribing or the time to get involved.
Looks like HBO might go that same way with the bad news about the much loved **Deadwood. **
I think they’re doing a good job with Dexter and I like it, but I wouldn’t be terribly upset if I missed an episode or if it was cancelled. It’s really not that much different from CSI or Bones or any other crime show.
I like it. Mrs. Wheresgeorge LOVES it - it’s her new “Even though tomorrow is Monday, I have a reason for living” show.
I don’t like the girlfriend subplot - I literally look away or cover my head when they address sex, because I can’t bear the uncomfortableness - maybe because it’s effective writing. And the police chief needs to die in a fire.
I’m really enjoying “Dexter.” Michael C. Hall sure is one hell of an actor to be able to go from being the meek, gentle funeral director on “Six Feet Under” to being a serial killer. And he’s so totally believable in both roles. Wow.
I wonder: if I read the books now, will this spoil the series for me?
I have all of the episodes recorded, but I’m still trying to work my nerve up to watch them. I’m not particularly squeamish - I don’t mind regular murderers (or ghosts, or monsters, or plagues that wipe out mankind, etc.) but serial killers really creep me out and I normally avoid books and movies involving them.
But, when I heard about the show I did read the first Dexter book, and I liked it pretty well. It’s short and fairly shallow (and the sister character is annoying) but Dexter himself was intriguing. I liked Michael C. Hall in Six Feet Under and I bet he does an amazing job as Dexter.
Julie Benz is so good in it. I look at her and don’t see a trace of Darla. love the reasoning behind Dexter’s choice of girlfriend. Which kind of got shot all to hell when she blew him, so that’ll be interesting to watch develop.
Well, no. But with his impulses under control, he’s not much different than the police officers, prosecuting attorneys, and judges in the crime shows. He catches killers and brings them to justice.
If he wasn’t so controlled, there’d be more tension. Everybody on the cop shows has a dark side, and I worry more about them than I do about Dexter.
Probably. My guess is that they will continue to follow the book fairly closely with regard to the ice-truck killer. But it’ll be impossible to know that for sure until probably the end of the season.
I just watched the first 3 episodes on-Demand over the weekend and liked them enough to watch the new episode last night. Michael C. Hall is just great. There are 3 or 4 actors that were regulars on “Oz,” so it’s kind of funny to me to spot them. The woman who plays the bitchy Lt., Lauren Velez, was the prison doctor, while 3 of the cops were convicts.
It’s definitely an entertaining show. I’m wondering if the cops are going to catch the Ice Truck Killer or if he’ll remain free for the whole season. It seems like that would get a little ridiculous before the end of 12 (or whatever) episodes, but they’ve kept it entertaining for so far.
I’m a little bummed that I’m completely caught up, 'cause now I have to wait a week for anything new.
We’re enjoying it; my husband probably moreso than I am. I decided to give it a try because the repeat is on at 8 p.m. on Tuesdays and there is absolutely nothing else on at that time. I needed something to watch while on the treadmill and Dexter was the best thing I could find. I’m in the, “I like it, but wouldn’t be upset if I missed it” camp.
I like it, especially the mystery of the Ice Truck Killer, except for the use of the supergenius serial killer cliche. We’re supposed to believe that
he didn’t leave any evidence in the abandoned hospital and that he could remove the security guard’s hand, foot and lower leg cleanly, and without killing him. Unless it turns out that he’s got a medical or forensics background.