Any Of My Gaming Kids Here? E-Z ?


I’m in the process of moving and although we have a computer here, this one doesn’t have rhe 3-D accelerator card (with blah-blah-blah I forget the other part of that) that WoW requires.

Are there any other free trial games I can play here w/o that card - like Everquest or something close?

I’m going into “Wow-T’s” here! :smiley:



It depends what the rest of the computer is like. Specs?

Widows XP 2002/SP3 Pentium R 4 CPU 1.80 ghz, 512 RAM

Thanks, RNATB!

Try this one:


I think I can make it till tomorrow night, RNATB!

Tanks, though (get it? “tanks”?)

Didn’t realize how much one misses WoW when one cannot play it.

Kinda like hitting the light switch when you know the power’s off!:smack:


Can you run Plants Vs. Zombies? If so, play that. Not an MMO but a charming tower defense game.

Hell, you ALL should be playing PVZ.

Needs DirectX 8.0, not sure if your integrated card does that. Try the demo.

Check out my old game, Ashen Empires. They’ve recently gone free-to-play, and that game can run on very low-end computers.

It’s a fantasy MMO, by the way.

Forgot to say “Thanks”. Sorry this is late, Lightnin’. I know it takes up band width, but I like to express my appreciation to people who help me out. :slight_smile:

So thank you for the link. I did go there and play till we got WoW back!


I’m glad you played it, Quasi. I was art director on that game for quite a while, and most of the monsters you see in there are at least partially mine.

Am I allowed to mention console emulation? :smiley:

Back when I was an MMO (FFXI) player and I lost the internet for a few days, I’d turn to the old NES and SNES games. Simple, no-need-to-save games like Super Bust-A-Move and Parodius are best for this; you can just play them for a few hours and quit without feeling bad for quitting a game halfway through. Of course, if you have something like Diablo or Civilization, those are just peachy too. (I’d argue they’re more addictive than an MMO, but then again, I’m not a huge fan of the genre.)