I’m looking to transfer from my current school, Purdue North Central, to Purdue West Lafayette. I’m just kind of curious, anything I should watch out for? Anything I should avoid while down on campus? Anything super fun that I wouldn’t otherwise know about but you feel inclined to tell me?!
I saw Pearl Jam perform there in 1994. I don’t think they’re there any more, though.
Off to IMHO.
I spent a large part of my childhood in West Lafayette, but this means the things that are fun for me might be lame for you–like the Bug Bowl, or McCord’s Candies (downtown Lafayette) and their handmade candy canes, or that one really tall fountain.
My brother’s at Purdue right now. I’ll send him a note and see if he has anything to add.
I’m not a Purdue grad, but as my Location field indicates, I live in the area. If you’ve never been to a women’s basketball game or volleyball match, you should check one out. Also, as a student, you can ride the CityBus vehicles for “free” (actually the charge is included in your enrrollment/registration fees) just by showing your Purdue ID. In addition, the trolley runs between downtown Lafayette and the campus, and is free to all riders.
Alright, now the report from my brother. Edited slightly for language.
I second the Von’s recommendation; I have fond memories of that place.