Any Star Trek : Next Generation lovers out here?

Any trekkies on this board? I don’t know why but I’ve always liked the show. I used to watch the old Star Trek with William Shatner and never thought I could get interested in the Next Generation shows and ignored them for awhile but now I love them. If I could I’d watch it whenever it was on but spouse isn’t that crazy about it so I can’t watch all the time. Anyone have a favorite character on the show? I don’t know if I could pick one, I like them all!

wow, you stepped into the right place. do a search for recent star trek threads and you’ll see what I mean

I’m a Data fan. I think the story lines focusing on him bring up the most interesting issues. I really like ST:TNG mostly because it is so different from the origional series. ST:TOS was a lot of fun to watch but trying to do it all over again wouldn’t have worked.

I liked Deep Space Nine better, but Next Gen is a close second. Never cared for any of the other series, original included. Of course, the best sf show ever is Firefly, currently showing Friday nights, eight o’clock. Please, please, please watch it, 'cause it’s a mousefart away from being cancelled.

Sorry for the hijack, but this is important, dammit.

…and if indeed Fox moves Firefly opposite Enterprise on Wednesday nights, remember that’s why we have VCRs.

I have the entire run taped from the original airing. The first season was a little iffy, particularly when they were preaching about how perfect their society was compared to the “barbaric” 20th century, but things picked up later.

Just about all the characters had points that caught my interest at one time or another. I have to agree with The Tim that they made good use of Data. Do you remember “Hero Worship” with the boy whose parents were killed in an accident and he decided he was an android to avoid showing emotion at his parents’ death and adopts Data as a role model? The scene near the end, when he finally reverts to being human and we see Data reacting in the background, had me in tears.

Lot of Data fans here, aren’t there? He’s my favorite, too. I think my favorite episode with him was where he’s doing The Tempest, as Prospero. It seems somehow ironic, as the character of Data looks like he’s partly inspired by Ariel.

Wow, a TS:TNG thread and no one hit the Borg. The Borg episodes were the best.

Also, why didn’t anyone mention Beverly Crusher(SP?). She is the all time hottest hottie that ever graced a Star Trek episode.

Did I mention that Bev is a Hottie?

::Slee imaging Gates McFadden naked… and drooling:::


I love all things Trek, though not equally. Next Gen is pretty high in my Trek hierarchy, though. I loved Picard, Data and Riker the most. I also like Mr. Broccoli–oops, Barclay.

Greetings to carnivorousplant and NoClueboy, while I’m here.

Howdy back at ya vivalostwages (cool site)

My fave of all time is Q. John Delancie was just perfect for him. From open to close, I kept feeling Q’s presence, just watching.

Why no movies with Q?

Picard in the last 3 seasons was my fave of regulars. Family, The Drumhead, The Inner Light, Chain Of Command, Starship Mine all use Stewart’s excellent acting abilities.

Fave babe? Yoeman Colt (wait, that was TOS pilot…)
Fave TNG babe: Beverly Crusher. rowrf!

“There are FOUR lights!”

There were some excellent episodes, many good ones, some fair, and a few tragically bad. Personally, I found the Data character tiresome, since having the other characters talk to him was often an excuse to talk down to the audience (i.e. “this is what humour means, Data”, “this is what love means, Data”, “this is what parenthood means, Data”).

The better episodes were ones with hard decisions and adult-emotional moments, rather than platitudes. Patrick Stewart was good at these, when he wasn’t speechifying.

For light comedy, I kinda liked The Royale, and I loved the ending of The Arsenal of Freedom.

Star Trek fans? On the Internet?

Not bloody likely.

Star Trek NG fans? Nah.


Joe Cool

I remember the one with the four lights! It was a good one. I don’t remember the names of the shows, I just watch 'em when I get a chance. I’ve got several tapes full of shows too. I sure wish sometimes they’d let Riker and Deanna get together. I’ve watched Star Trek: Voyager too and liked that show. Alas, I wish my mate liked it but, oh well. I watch when I can. Oh, and I’d forgot about Q. He’s a little darling (choke).

Readeth below not, spoilth not:

Watch the movie

Patrick Stewart is a superstar. I always felt a little sorry for him, being such a great Shakespearean actor, and stumbling into the realm of weirdness that is the Star Trek franchise - he seemed so very out of place. Nevertheless, he added a really interesting dimension to the crew, and I have to say that TNG was one of my vavorite incarnations of Star Trek (I’d say it’s my favorite, but Wesley Crusher and the other occasionally gag-eriffic touchy-feely moments took a lot away from the show).

I was really hoping Enterprise would turn out to be my favorite, but it’s turned all blucky of late.

Kn(and I wholeheartedly agree with ** Miller **'s hijack. Give Firefly a try, and if you like it, PLEASE write to Fox to tell them)ckers

Why no movies with Q? Because by now the later ST series have folded, spindled and mutilated the whole fun of the Q (and the Borg). In TNG Season 1 Q had more personality in one of his hats than the rest of the cast displayed all season. But then again Season 1 needed some serious work (That whole “Let’s do nothing but whine about how morally superior our way is” schtick… )

After a couple of seasons they fixed that and things improved (though then they added the “we could use the tachyonic verkaktefier to remodulate the quantum-wave patterns and create a furshlugginer-resonant effect in the subspace singularity” schtick). Heck, they eventually even improved Wesley, that’s got to be an achievement; how Wil Wheaton must have suffered those first couple of seasons of playing “otherwise clueless boy genius saves the day” scenarios.

What does it mean, “blucky”?

I have to admit I find my interest in many episodes of STNG wanning. It seems very 80s and for some reason the drama in many episodes just doesn’t work for me anymore.

That being said there are some very exceptional episodes too. “The Inner Light” is still one of the best written episodes of any Trek. The Borg were a great invention for the series. The Klingon culture was given a 3rd dimension and the New Klingons (The Cardassians) Were introduced when the episodes with the Romulans went nowhere. Lets face it an enemy that goes out of its way to avoid outright conflict gets rather tedious after a while.

So I’ll give the series an 8, I still prefer TOS only for the sense of fun that still works fo it. Yeah its dated too but Dang the Kirk Spock McCoy relationship has never been topped.

I felt two of the most underrated characters were Worf and Geordie.

I always loved Worf as a character because, more so than Data, he was a fish out of water. He was as honorable and professional as a person could be, but he always struggled to fit himself in to an essentially human society when every fibre of his being wanted to bust heads - but his pride and determination always held back the worst part of his nature. His struggles with his kid always struck be as being painfully honest; he didn’t really know what the hell he was doing, but he tried his best.

A lot of fans hated it, but the Worf-Troi romance always made sense to me.

Geordi, too, was a good and underused character. He was an engineering geek with no girlfriend, but they never overdid it the way most shows would. Instead of a silly stereotype with a pocket protector (it helps that they didn’t have pockets) he was a real person who just wasn’t smooth with the ladies and was more comfortable around machines. It was telling that his best friend was a machine - a subtle little device that the show used to great advantage but never really called attention to.