Any Truth to Hollow Earth Theory?

Strictly speaking, the whole core isn’t liquid (we think). Current models have a solid iron[sup]1[/sup] “inner core”, surrounded by a liquid iron “outer core”.

But, you ask, how do we deduce the liquid outer core? Well, earthquake generate two types of waves, longitudinal and transverse. Longitudinal waves have their sinusoids parallel to the direction of propagation; transverse waves have theirs perpendicular to that direction.

Now transverse waves will not propagate through a fluid. We can view (so to speak) earthquakes from multiple points, and see that, whilst longitudinal waves are detectable at all points, transverse waves are cut off by…something, deep inside the Earth. Moreover, its not just certain relationships where the transverse waves are missing, as they would be if we postulated, e.g., a big magma pocket in an other solid Earth, but all transverse waves that pass within a certain radius. Therefore, there must must at least a wholly liquid shell extending around the entire core. Q.E.D.

[sup]1[/sup]And other stuff. To a good first approximation, though, it’s iron.

It was Arne Saknussen.

I have met and talked with persons who absolutely believed in the flat earth theory. There is even a flat earth society with a web site at:

Next persons who absolutely believe that NASA faked the whole earth and moon orbiting and landing as fancy science fiction.

There are more than a few people who firmly believe that Over Unity or Free Energy has been perfected and kept in hiding till the right time comes to spring it on the public. Think of all the people who would lose ther jobs if such power was available. And some think it is just short of being perfected and spend all their energy trying to find the solution. Try a web seasrch for Over Unity or Free Energy!

The www is rife with crackpot ideas with no real prospect of success.
e.g. Look at <> for air powered cars. A great idea if it was only feasible.

ad infinitum

“Beware of the Cog”

The is joke, a parody of conspiracy sites. While there might still be flat earthers, I don’t think this is their website.

It is.

There exists a French-designed car powered by compress air. Compressed air is used to drive pistons. I hear they’ve already sold a fair number in South Africa (but I’m not sure)

I believe in a hollow flat earth.

If you will read the link carefully you will find “First models to be on the road this year” under the 2nd photo down of the skeleton body work.
This idea has been promoted (pedalled) on the web for at least two years but now saleable model on the showroom floor or on the road. It is alway or continues to be under development.
It is venture capital fund raising scam pure and simple cleverly disguised to hoodwink the technicaloly challenged investor.

Go to: <>
This guy too is technically challenged. His "air compressor once started generates so much compressed air that he has to use the excess.

Have a bit of fun and do web searches for “over unity.”

It’s a convincing scam, then. I’ve seen it reported by both the CBC and BBC.

This site even talks about plans for a factory, and describes the capabilities of the vehicle.

It does sound a lot like something that would be hard to work, though.