Any update on the game room split?

For background, see these threads:

In particular, search for my name and read the long posts. I went to great lengths to explain the issues at hand in detail.

We were told 2 months ago that the issue would be looked at and a solution found, hopefully. In the meantime, the game room continues to be strangled to death and activity (actual discussion activity, that is) is an at all time low as regulars continue to abandon the forum.

I think two months is more than a reasonable amount of time for discussion and a potential solution, so I’m asking for an update on this issue.

Huh, looks like my post in the other topic and your topic here were made at the same time.

We’re wrapping up discussion now, an announcement should be coming shortly.
Just a small note, judging from how these past discussions have gone:
If this thread becomes anything else other than about the Game Room update, it may be closed.

Ah, I forgot this forum defaults to only showing the last two days, so I didn’t think to change that to look for a previous thread.

No, no…I made the update literally right at the same time you made this topic, haha.

In fact, your thread may have beaten my post by a second or minute or so.

Anecdotally, I used to post in that forum almost daily, and now it is once a week, in the college football roundup on Saturdays. Now that the season is winding down, I can’t imagine posting at all in there. It’s really a mess.

Since Idle Thoughts has posted an update to the other thread, I’m going to close this.