Any whistlers here? Anyone here who'd like to STRANGLE them?

Ok now…

I’m a whistler.
I’m a gardener.
And, literally, I whistle as I work.

Tunes like:

Roxy Roller
Scotland the Brave
Wonderful Tonight
1812 Cannonization cannons bit
Whiter Shade of Pale
Peg (yes, Scabpicker…Peg)
New Years Day/Mysterious Ways
themes from “Way We Were”, “Room 222”, “Magnificent 7”, “The Waltons”, “Bob Newhart Show”, “Pink Panther”, “Quincy” (the last one being super shitty, hence extra enjoyable)
particularly like Bohemian Rhapsody for the challenge and Dancing Days for the Page/Plant call and response
a Stevie Wonder number whose title escapes me but starts off literally singing, phonetically:
na na
na, na, na, na,
na na
na, na, NAA, na… (that “NAA” going slightly higher)
Baba O’Reilly
Whip It
side 2 of Abbey Road
Chopin’s third etude
shitload of Scott Joplin
Surfer Girl
Men of Harlich
She’s Leaving Home
Ravel’s Bolero
Who Loves the Sun
Land of Hope and Glory
Yummy Yummy Yummy I’ve Got Love I My Tummy
Sitting On the Dock of the Bay
Sweet Leaf/Changes
Eine kleine Nachtmusik
Riders on the Storm/People Are Strange
Maggie Mae
Bus Stop/I Breathe the Air That I Breathe
Magic Man
Black Magic Woman
Just What I Needed (in its entirety - maybe my fave)
Sugar, Sugar
Good Morning, Starshine
Pick Up The Pieces

and a WHOLE slew more…

These are not tunes I particularly covet - I certainly wouldn’t throw them onto an ipod, especially considering I don’t own one - they’re just catchy earworms that I can exorcise out of my noggin only by giving vent by whistling. I also wouldn’t do this in a confined office space.
One time, waiting in emergency, the doctor decided to chat with the receptionist about the holidays he just got back from, instead of attending to me, like, three feet away, so after several unbelievable minutes of this, I started whistling, really loud, “Jingle Balls” (it was in summer).
He quickly wrapped up his vacay recap, and this was the only time I intentionally tried to whistle someone into a quivering mass of gelatinous inferiority and shame.
So then…come at me, then, all you whistle haters…
Come at me with me your pitchforks!!!
Hey and what’s really worse is that whistlers bug me, (except maybe if they’re at least hitting the notes of something readily identifiable), so, I’m being both the hypocritical cause and victim of this. Not helping at all, am I?
So yeah, pile on, pillock me, throw at me what ya got - I’ll be like De Niro in that scene from Cape Fear. Ha!


*ok maybe different flick - just trying to create ambiance and mood.

regards, Eddie The Horrible

Whistling is like a lot of other things: it has its place. As it has a proper place, it also has improper places, like at work. People who whistle in the presense of others at work are trying to say something. They’re trying to say: “Look at me, I’m an asshole.”

With me it’s more like a case of “holy fuck my command of melody is mind-blowing as well as endearing”. (As birds alight on my shoulder.)

But yeah in an office it’s just a little bit too intimate for that kind of thing.

Or a loud machine shop.

My mom HATES it, and assumes everyone else does. So derides me for humming/whistling/singing/imitating Mark Knopfler’s guitarwork as I do chores.

(I’m not sure I can help it… I have music in my head all the time and it just leaks out.)

After years of this my wife casually mentioned “It’s handy that you whistle. If I need you, I can always tell where you are.”

In your un-musical FACE, mom!

Fucking constantly.
Hard to shut it out.

Well, DON’T! Music is wonderful.

I just have to learn not to do it at work… so far, only a slip or two a week. And there is this one stairwell with great acoustics where I belt out Broadway tunes.

I am a master whistler: no really.
There’s a guy at work who hums or whistles constantly. I share an office space with him now, but haven’t always.
Thankfully he does not whistle at his desk, but he cannot walk down the hall without whistling, but here’s the worst part: he doesn’t whistle a tune. It’s just a loud, random, attack of absolute random nonsense.
Now THAT is annoying as shit, especially when I’m stressed and he’s whistling like a fucking songbird looking to mate.

Sent from my adequate mobile device using Tapatalk.

At one of my apartment buildings the front entrance area is a two-story ‘soft story’ set-up, so it’s like this big, lofty, cavernous pseudo-amphitheatre with acoustics that project my whistling outwards with haunting clarity and fullness.

On Broadway, which I guess isn’t technically a Broadway tune because it’s a recording and not from a Broadway musical, is a go-to for me, along with Climb Every Mountain and Old Man River. No, I wont do Tomorrow - that one would feel demonstrably sucky to whistle.

So can we all agree, then, that random, completely tuneless whistling is more intolerable than whistling that has at least some semblance of carrying a melody, even if one can’t immediately recognize the tune?
And also if the whistling is done in a soft, easy pitch…low in volume…Perry Como-ish?

I could croon you to sleep with my Billy Joel, “The Stranger” intro, or John Lennon’s “Jealous Guy.”

Sent from my adequate mobile device using Tapatalk.

Wish I could whistle.

Would be great to hail a cab.

Its place is in the bowels of hell.

I often whistle past graveyards.

Years ago I was. Got into a bit of trouble. Union saved me. I helped save a life and probably a few more by getting a problem addressed, so I don’t regret the angst I went through over several weeks.

Local paper eventually editorialized about my situation and embarrassed the parties that be.

It’s like knuckle cracking. You know that not everyone is going to enjoy the noises coming from your body.

Aw man, that really is a cardinal sin.

But for hailing a cab, aren’t you supposed to do that annoying multiple-fingers-in-mouth type of whistle that’s extremely loud and piercing? Also used for hailing pets and shit. I can’t do that type of whistle, myself, which for some incredibly retarded reason makes me feel like I have some kind of shortcoming. Like, it makes me feel less virile, or something.
There’s quite the zippy whistle @ 4:07 of Benny and the Jets


You crappy scheisekopf*!!!

*Unfortunately my keyboard lacks that weird sorta B-looking German letter that needs to go where the second “s” is.

ok I’m trying to wrap my head around this one, and conclude that possibly this post should be elsewhere.
Unless, that is, this union kerfuffle arose from you whistling around them in the first place.

Gotta say - also a knucklecracker. Toes too. Totally tympanic membrane-destroying, so I make double extra sure nobody’s around.

I never got a look at today’s work-whistler, but the same motivation seemed to be in play.

Whistling to a captive audience is the aural equivalent to lighting a big stinky cigar in the company of non-smokers.

You speak of motivation, yet didn’t see him/her - how do you know the whistler wasn’t, say, at gun-point to continue on, or maybe the whistler felt the compassionate wherewithall to gratify those around him/her with dulcet bilabial offerings? Maybe thinking - ok - I wonder if Jackmannii might be in for a little…Deep Purple?..Valdy?..Bananarama?