Anybody care to crash a wedding for me?

Not sure if this belongs in the BBQ Pit, but if not it’ll be moved.

So, anyone interested?

The wedding is on July 20 and I believe that it’s going to be in Florida.

Not sure if requests of this type belong on the board at all…

Why on Earth would anybody want to crash the wedding of somebody they didn’t know, for reasons not explained ?

If you have a problem with somebody at this wedding, why don’t you let off some steam and rant about it ?

hey what exactly are you wanting done? you want someone to go take pictures? want someone to go drop off a gift you cant mail? more details Koom-ba more details.

<gets out his green satin chaps and pink ‘baby doll’ stretch shirt>

Ready, and willing.
Now I’ll leave you all to get ill with that mental image :smiley:

I love this part! We’re not talking about Beth Shalom synagogue or the Country Club plaza at 5th and Vine here. The wedding might or might not be somewhere in the vicinity of an entire state. A fairly large one at that.

Enderw24, your sig just made me laugh… Very funny!

I’d just try to put it all behind you WSLer and get on with your life; she’s not going to marry you whatever you do.

I can see it now:

Officiant: “…speak now or forever hold your peace.”

Anonymous Doper: “Yes, uh, Hi. You don’t know me, but, uh, well, you see, there’s this guy from Maryland, uh, do the initials WSL mean anything? No? Well, anyway, see, he asked us to, um, and then, uh, he wasn’t too specific, but, uh, he thought that, uh…”


Looks like a drive-by OP to me. Hope he’s driving down to Florida to crash that stupid wedding himself.

Dustin Hoffman in The Graduate:
Elaine! Elaine!

I’m already invited to that wedding. You can be my date - you just wanted to go to scope out the florist’s designs, right?

ELAIN-- DAMMIT! ::mumbles, pulls out paper from pocket:: ANNNIE! AAAANNNIE!