Anybody else getting a lot of server errors lately?

While browsing the SDMB lately, I’ve been getting a lot of server connection errors, gateway timeout errors, or page could not be reached errors.

When I’m at work I read the Dope on my phone, since so many sites are blocked by corporate security policy. Unfortunately about six months ago I got moved to a new desk in the middle of the building where cell reception sucks. So I’m used to my data connection frequently dropping on me while I’m at work.

But the last week or two, I’ve been getting a lot of errors at home too – both on my phone and the home laptop. It may not be an error, it may just take an unusually long time for pages to load. And it only seems to be this site, others load just fine.

So is it just me, or do we need to hit the pet store for some new hamsters?

Yes, it’s been going on for several days. The doper facebook page has a bunch of us complaining about it.

I hope they fix it soon. I miss ya’ll when I can’t get access.

I’m having the same problem. Keeps timing out.

Also being extensively discussed in this other thread.

It’s now the second day of the board being almost unusable except for intermittent periods, and more to the point, it’s a problem that’s been randomly occurring on and off for months. It’s just that it usually doesn’t last this long.

I’ve been seeing this as well, and the board has seemed slower than normal.

And, uh, what is this Facebook page of which you speak? I’d like to join it.

I hope this works.

Thanks. I just asked to join.

Yep, lot of 502 Server Errors/Timeouts… I may just have to go do some analog life.

I’ve had three today.

For the past two days, pages have been loading so slowly (when they manage to load at all ) that the site has been pretty much unusable. I’ve been catching up on my other reading. I hope it’s fixed soon.

I’ve seen two obviously false “temporarily offline for maintenance” pages today.

ETA: make that three.

There are at least three different symptoms that seem to depend on what is timing out or the length of the timeout or some other arbitrary factor: 504 Gateway Time-out, the server error I mentioned in the other thread, and the maintenance splash screen. Most of the time there is no timeout, the system is just so painfully slow as to be unusable. All the posts that have been made in roughly the past 36 hours, maybe longer, just happened to get in during the brief periods when the system was intermittently working or, like this one I imagine will be, after a painfully long wait.

Well of course I didn’t read that thread! That thread title is the exact opposite of what I’m seeing! :wink:

And I’d forgotten about the “down for maintenance” page, but I’ve gotten that a few times too.

I’ve gotten a huge number of 502 errors. When I pinged the SDMB server during one of these episodes, it showed about 250ms total round trip. I guess that means it’s not the Internet, but the server.

I just came here to ask if anyone else was having the same problem.

Getting rid of those Saambaa ads wouldn’t hurt either.

Same here. I had a rash of them about a week back and again today.

It’s been working well for me the past couple hours. But most of today was really hit-or-miss.

I don’t see ads so I don’t know what this is. Is there an actual problem with this specific ad or is it just annoying? I can report problematic ads but I can’t report ads that are just annoying.

Support the Dope with a membership and you see no ads. Problem solved.

Just a thought. :smiley:

your humble TubaDiva