Anybody else given up on THE WALKING DEAD? If so, why? (Open spoilers likely.)

I gave up … after the first episode.

Full Of Fail.

E.g., some bozo leaves the countryside to go to beautiful midtown Atlanta and is promptly swarmed by a horde of zombies. Who could have possibly thought that staying in the sticks wasn’t going to be safer than heading into the heart of a major metropolitan area during a zombie apocalypse? :dubious:

It was clear that it was idiot-plot driven.

TWD is no Breaking Bad, but it’s still better than most of the crap on TV

Idiot-plotted seems more accurate. How else would you describe a man who thinks a slow, clumsy, stupid corpse is a worthy adversary?

The only problem I have with Walking Dead is that IIRC, it conflicts with either Game of Thrones or Downton Abbey.

So after I watch everything and relax enough to sleep, it’s freakin 1 am, and I have to go to work the next day. :mad:

Hell, I take notes.

I’ll watch it as long as it remains high in the ratings (and therefore important, one way or another, in Ye Olde Popular Culture). It’s good to know what it is that large numbers of people value.

But, yeah. It’s not the worst writing on television, but it’s very, very far from being the best.

Gave up after sampling a few episodes because the central conceit is so annoying. Not the zombies so much as the ability of mindless zombies to somehow manage to silently creep up on, ambush, and overpower just about anyone as a plot convenience. Zombie apocalypses really only make sense for a couple of weeks – after that, the zombies should be falling apart or decaying and pretty much incapable of doing anything threatening to anyone with an intelligence greater than algae. But in almost every episode I watched, some character would turn around to find that zombies had crept up on them and was just about to tear their throat out.

Also, virtually every character was a complete idiot, a psychopath, or a basket case. So I didn’t like anyone very much.

I understand where you’re coming from. We’ve got an enemy that can only use the most rudimentary of tools (one picked up a rock in the pilot episodes to bash a window in) and has displayed no sign of intelligence. There’s no way in hell slow zombies are going to bring down civilization.

If all dead rise, they could. Once power shuts down millions of people will die from thirst within days. From hunger in weeks.

I don’t think you get just how much zombies suck. They are not an existential threat against anything but individual unaware civilians. Shawn of the Dead of all things is one of the few movies that gets that right.

Now, a series doesn’t have to be that realistic to be good, but I at least expect the humans to be more competent than the zombies. It’s the same problem that ruins much of reality TV - instead of having a series about humanity recovering from a zombie apocalypse, increasing their sphere of influence and rebuilding the civilisation they’ve lost, the creators want to wallow in mediocrity.

At the very least, you would think that the zombies would stink to high heaven, so you’d kind of notice when a pack of them was coming closer.

Probably overthinking it, but from their inception to me zombies symbolize death itself, the young and able can have many close calls and can laugh in the face of it as it is slow and bumbling. But one day you’ll make a mistake, or you’ll get older and slower and less able, and death is always there waiting biding its time. And then one day it WILL get you, guaranteed.

I give up Walking Dead after the third season. The stupid just became too much and it never got any better, so I had to say goodbye. But then I was weak. There was a season 4 marathon on and I had some time so I watched it, now I have to see how they get out of that train car. Which they are in because Rick is stupid and he always makes the most stupid choice possible in any situation and everyone stupidly follows his lead. Because that’s what the show is about: If the dead came to life, could a hearty band of humans survive if they always chose the stupidest course of action? I’ll have to watch to find out.

That’s ultimately why I quit watching TWD after what… Season 3? The last episode I saw had Daryl and Merle in a pit with some zombies, and Rick & co. busting into Woodbury to get (I think) Glenn and Maggie out. The walkers had quit being a serious threat, and the show had devolved into a post-apocalyptic soap-opera for all intents and purposes.

If I wanted to watch a drama about people fighting each other, I’d watch something else. I want a show that’s creepy and spooky and where the zombies are at least a threat when they’re around, not something that the good guys can handle at will.

My daughter is a fan (mostly of Norman Reedus) and I watch the show, from time to time, when she has it on…though I never seek it out. I never did have much patience with the characters, so there was little to lose. They should be living much better and more safely than they are at this point. As others have noted, they don’t seem to learn much from either their failures or their successes.
That, and some of the characters are just intrinsically annoying. I’m thinking Carl and Michonne, mainly, though The Governor gets on my nerves too.

I still read the comic, myself. It’s become a bit of a ritual: my local comic book store sends me an email every few months when the next volume is out, I buy it, and read it cover to cover with a nice glass of beer or wine at my side. Still, it does feel more like habit than anything else.

As for the TV show, I enjoyed S1, hated S2 and most of S3, but S4 was decent enough that I think I’m back in. I’m not chomping at the bit to watch it, but I don’t have a problem with putting an episode on every now and then. I’ll probably get them on HitBliss and watch them in short bursts throughout the season, since I don’t have cable. Honestly, I always enjoyed the SDMB discussions more than the episodes themselves.

Curious how zombies seem to have enough sense to climb stairs.

And you’re ignoring numbers. You might be able to kill one zombie. But it could certainly get lucky and kill you. You are utterly powerless against ten thousand zombies.

They don’t get tired, they are nearly immune to unaimed attacks, they can be behind any given door. The military would have trouble for the same reason as anyone else, they’d be overwhelmed and attacked from within secure areas when someone succumbed to their wounds.

The group had the farm and then the prison. They were fairly well handling the zombies until a superswarm overran the farm, and a dude with a tank overran the prison.

I haven’t read the entire thread. I gave up on the show a long time ago. I have to admit I was at no point really impressed with the show. I was not really a fan who became disillusioned.

I thought the acting was pretty awful at times, most of the characters uninteresting and the storylines melodramatic. However, I had one particular bugbear. The fact that people fighting against zombies did not think of wearing protective clothing. When fighting zombies at close quarters I do not expect a female to choose to wear some Daisy Dukes.

You cannot have ten thousand zombies without first having nine thousand zombies. You cannot have nine thousand zombies without first having eight thousand zombies. You cannot have eight thousand zombies without first having seven thousand zombies. And so on. It is pointless to claim that some critical mass of zombies would become a self-sustaining horde that converts more humans to zombies than those humans kill if they have no way of reaching that critical mass.

And you can’t have a critical mass of zombies at any quantity if humans manage anything better than a 1:1 kill ratio.